Chapter 24

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Rosalie's P.O.V

I flipped the page of my magazine and continued to read the article. The front door of the house opened and in walked Esme, Carlisle, Damon, Alice and Jasper who had come back from hunting. "Hey" I said as I looked up from my magazine. "Emmett come out of his room yet?" Esme asked as she entered the living room hand in hand with Carlisle and I shook my head.

"I'm worried about him. He hasn't gone hunting since we left Forks" Esme said as a worried expression crossed his face. "I've been worried about him too. Has anyone been able to get a word out of him?" Carlisle said as he looked to all of us and we all shook our heads. "I feel awful. He never wanted to leave Forks. He never wanted to leave Malory and we forced him too. It wasn't right" Esme said as she shook her head slightly.

"It was for the best" Damon said as he sat beside me. "But was it? Look him...he's hurting" Esme said quietly and I sighed as I closed my magazine placing it on the coffee table in front of me. "That night at Bella's party was a close call Esme. What if they hadn't restrained Jasper? Bella would've been killed. Possible Malory as well. I knew they were trouble the moment Edward and Emmett had laid eyes on them. I knew it was going to be to risky to include them in our world" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Rosalie, Malory is Emmett's mate. He couldn't help that" Carlisle said. "I thought Malory was your friend" Alice spoke up and I let out another sigh. "She was. Don't get me wrong, I really liked her but this was the right thing to do. Just give Emmett time" I said. "He really needs to hunt. I've never seen a vampire starve this long. What if he loses control the moment a human comes within a few feet of the house?" Esme said concerned.

"I'll go talk to him" Carlisle said and I rose from my seat. "No. I will. I'm one of the only few people who can get through to him" I said before walking down the hall, my heels clicking as I did. I walked to the very last room and knocked on the door lightly. "Emmett?" I said as I walked in and saw him sitting on his couch looking out at the moon in complete darkness.

"Emmett?" I repeated as I walked over to him and he didn't even look my way. I sighed as I crossed my arms staring at him. "Why are you doing this?" I said and he didn't move. "I know you can here me. I actually think you're being really selfish" I said and he glared at me. "I'm being selfish?" He scoffed. "Yeah, you are" I spat and he shook his head.

"I'm being selfish? IJUST LEFT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE BACK IN FORKS! I NEVER WANTED TO LEAVE MALORY BUT YOU ALL FORCED ME TOO BECAUSE IT WAS 'FOR THE BEST'! AND I'M BEING SELFISH?! I HAVE NO REASON TO LIVE ANYMORE! MALORY WAS MY WORLD AND NOW SHE IS GONE!" Emmett boomed as he threw the chair across the room into the wall causing me to flinch sightly as it caused a massive crack, the chair lying in a bent up mess.

"Emmett she nearly died because of us! What part of that do you not understand?!" I snapped. "I managed to save her in time!" He exclaimed. "Only just! Had you been a few seconds late she would've been dead! Humans aren't supposed to be in our world" I spat. "Why not huh? Because you despise them?! Because they can have children and you can't?! Because they're able to live the life you can never have?!" Emmett snapped and I gasped before I glared at him.

I raised my hand and slapped him so hard he flew across the room. I stalked out of his room slamming the door behind me so hard it cracked the wall.

Malory's P.O.V


I looked around and saw I was in the woods. In front of me was Emmett with a smile on his face. "Emmett!" I gasped before running over to him. "You're back!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso. I looked up and saw he was staring at something behind me. I turned and saw Victoria and I gasped before hiding behind Emmett.

"Hey babe" Emmett said to her and in a flash she was stood in front of him, her arms around his neck. "E-Emmett?" I stammered as I took a step back from him. Victoria leaned forward pressing her lips to his causing me to gasp. I watched as Emmett morphed into James and I tripped over something causing me to scream as I hit the ground.

I sat up and saw I had tripped over Emmett's dead body and I let out another scream. I was suddenly pinned to the ground and saw Victoria who leaned down to my ear. "An eye for an eye" She whispered before sinking her teeth into my neck. "AHHHHHH!" I screamed as the burning went through me.

*End of dream*

"Malory wake up!" Someone shrilled and I gasped as I opened my eyes to see Jessica leaning over me as she held my shoulders. I let out shaky breaths as I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. "My God dude it sounded like you were being murdered of something" She said as she moved away from me ever so slightly. "Sorry" I croaked.

"What happens in these dreams to make you...I don't know scream like that?" Jess said. "I don't know. Just night terrors" I replied. "Like are they about Emmett or your mom or something?" Jess asked and I shook my head. "Umm no uh they're about different things" I said and she nodded. "Umm anyways I'm going out with Bella to see a movie tonight. Wanna come?" Jess asked and I shook my head once more.

"No thanks. Not really in the mood for a movie" I said. "You should really get out. Maybe it'll help with the nightmare things" Jess said and I gave a small smile. "Maybe next time" I said. "If you say so" She said as she stood up before exiting my room. I sighed as I fell back onto my pillow and held my hand on my forehead.

The dreams feel so real. They're the closest thing I have to ever seeing Emmett again. In a small way it comforts me because I see him but on the other hand it kills me inside because that's the only way I can see him. In my dreams.

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