Chapter 73

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As the days passed, more vampires came from all around the world to meet Renesmee and Avery. Some of them with extraordinary gifts of their own. Kate with the power of electricity, Maggie form the Irish coven with the ability to tell when people are lying, Benjamin, from the Egyptian coven, had power of the elements.

I gave a small smile as I watched Avery's eyes light up at the small tornado of sand Benjamin had created. I heard running and the scent of two new vampires filled my nose. We all turned in the direction of the woods where two figures leapt down from the trees. The two women were dressed in what looked to be traditional tribal clothing.

"Who are they?" Bella asked. "Senna and Zafrina from the Amazon" Edward replied. I grabbed Avery's hand before approaching the two women. Senna and Zafrina's arrival meant that our plea was being heard in even the most remote corners of the earth. A few days later another vampire arrived. Garrett. A long time friend of Carlisle's. All three of them were won over. But there was just one problem. Only the Denali coven and ourselves were vegetarian vampires. The rest fed off humans which posed as an issue for the wolves. With more and more vampires arriving in the area, more and more Quileutes turned. After days of being gone, Carlisle and Esme returned with our last witness. Alistair. Though we were grateful he came, he refused to stand up to the Volturi.

"Where are they going to hunt?" Embry asked me lowly as we watched Avery play with Garett. "They all agreed not to hunt in the area" I said as I looked to him and he nodded. Embry walked away to talk to Jake. I walked outside with Bella where Zafrina showed her power.

She had manipulation over the mind and could make you see whatever she wanted you to. I gasped in amazement as we were surrounded by the Amazon rainforest. "If you weren't holding my hand right now I could swear this is real" Edward said as he looked around in awe. "I don't see anything" Bella said confused. "Are you serious Bella?" I said in shock.

"Edward, you didn't tell me your wife was a shield" Eleazar said as he walked over. "What's a shield?" Bella asked. "The ones I've met are so different" Edward said as he looked at his wife. "It's a defensive talent" Eleazar said. "That's why I couldn't read your mind, even before. That's why Aro couldn't" said Edward. "You have a very powerful gift" Eleazar said.

"Oh yeah, she's a shield alright. That should've put her on her ass" Kate said as she grabbed Bella's hand. "Or your powers have been exaggerated" Garett said cockily. "Maybe it only works on the weak" Kate shot back as she held her hand out to him. "Garett I wouldn't" Carlisle warned before Garett touched Kates palm with his finger.

He instantly fell to his knees as electricity ran through him. "You are an amazing woman" He said as he looked up at Kate. "Malory, your gift is quite complicated. I haven't seen one like it, I have only read about it" Eleazar said as he looked at me. "What do you mean my gift? I didn't think I had one" I replied.

"It appears you have the ability to weaken another persons ability to the point of it not working on you at all" Eleazar explained. "Really?" I said. "That explains why I could barely read your mind. It just went all blurry to silence" Edward explained. Kate grabbed my hand and I groaned as electricity flowed through me before it suddenly stopped and Kate's eyes widened.

"It's not working" She said as she looked at her hands. "How rare is my gift?" I asked as I turned to Eleazar. "There has only ever been one other vampire who possessed such a gift. The Volturi wanted her to be apart of the guard but she refused to join. The Volturi ended up killing her due to an accidental exposure to a village of humans" Eleazar explained.

"Once the Volturi discovers your gift, they'll want you immediately. You would be of great worth to Aro" Eleazar continued and I felt chills roll down my spine. I'd rather burn in hell then join the Volturi. An unknown scent filled our nose and we sprinted into the woods. We found Jacob growling at two figures who were sitting up on rocks.

One of them had pale blonde hair while the other had jet black hair. "Vladimir, Stefan. You're a long way from home" Carlisle greeted. "What are they doing here?" Kate said lowly to Eleazar. "We heard the Volturi were moving against you, but that you would not stand alone" The blonde one spoke, with a thick Romanian accent.

"We didn't do what we were accused of" Carlisle argued. "We do not care what you did Carlisle" The blonde one said back carelessly. "We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged" The dark haired one said, his voice thick with a Romanian accent and slightly deeper then his friends.

"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi" Carlisle said to them. "Shame. Aros witnesses will be so disappointed" The blonde one said to his friend. "They enjoy a good fight" His friend replied. "Aro's witnesses?" Aleazar questioned as he approached Carlisle. "Aww. Still hoping they'll listen to you?" The blonde one teased and I glared at them.


"When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's never long before evidence turns about proving that coven committed some crime" Eleazar explained as everyone was gathered in the living room. I stood beside Emmett holding his hand in mine. "So he's done this before?" Bella questioned.

"It happens so rarely. I never realised it was a pattern" Eleazar replied. "Apparently he always pardons one person, who's thoughts he claims are repentant" Carlisle said. "This person always has an ability and they're always given a place with the guard" Eleazar chimed in. "So he just kills an entire coven and takes one person?" I said in disbelief.

"Yes" Carlisle replied. "This is all about Alice and Malory. He has no one like them. When we were in Volterra and Aro tested Malory's gift, he instantly wanted her to be apart of the guard the moment she was changed" Edward said and Emmett squeezed my hand as he pulled me closer to him. "That's why Alice left" Bella said.

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked. "To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven" Alistair said as he stepped forward. Amun and Kebi walked across the room to Benjamin and Tia. "Benjamin, Tia, we are leaving" Amun stated. "And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice and Malory? What's to stop them going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift. Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment it's power. It's acquisition" Edward stated.

"Everyone here in this room, has lost someone precious them. A mate, a family member, a coven member. Everyone has lost someone. Just think about them for a minute. I lost my mom nearly 2 years ago. And the pain of losing her was unbearable and still is today. That is something I refuse to put my daughter through. So Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but God damnit I will. If not for my family, then do it for your yours and your loved ones" I spoke up and a few moments of silence fell across the room.

"The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires" Jake said as he stood up with Embry who nodded in agreement. "We will fight" Tanya said as she, Kate and Carmen rose from their seat. "This won't be the first time I fought a kings rule" Garett said as he stepped forward. "We'll join you" Benjamin said as he stood up.

"No!" Amun said as he turned to Benjamin. "I will do the right thing Amun. You may do as you please" Benjamin said in reply. "We will stand with you" Senna said from beside Zafrina. "So will we" Siobhan said as she stood up with her family. The nomads nodded their heads in agreement. "That didn't take much" Vladimir said to Stefan and I glared at him.

"Lets hope it doesn't come to that" Edward said and I nodded.

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