Chapter 4

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(The next day)

I climbed out of Jess's car and walked over to our friends. I stood beside Bella and smiled at her. "Hey" She said as she pulled out her earphone. "Hey" I replied as I shoved my hands into my pockets. I looked around the car park and my eyes landed on the Cullen's who were looking at me and I noticed Emmett nor Edward were there. "Is it just me or are the Cullen's staring at us?" I said discreetly to Bella.

"Y-Yeah they are" Bella said as she looked over to them. Rosalie was glaring at me causing me to shift uncomfortably in my spot. The bell rang and Bella and I headed into the school. I walked to my first class which was History and saw Emmett wasn't sitting at his desk. Shrugging it off I sat down and waited for the class to start.

Throughout the day there were no signs of Emmett. Maybe he wasn't well. I walked into the cafeteria where my friends were and saw the Cullen's sitting at their table looking at all the other students and it was at this moment where I took in their appearances. Even a blind person would be able to see how stunning they were.

It was almost unnatural and they were pale. Really pale. Rosalie caught my eyes and I watched as her glare hardened sending shivers down my spine. I noticed her eyes and saw they were golden. I could've sworn they were dark brown yesterday I thought to myself. "Mal?" I heard someone say and I tore my eyes away from their table turning to my friends.

"Huh?" I said confused. "Are you ok? You've been out of it like all day" Angela said from beside me. "Oh yeah sorry just had some things on my mind" I said shaking my head slightly and she nodded. "I was asking if you wanted to come to my house after school. Jess can't come because she has some meeting here" Angela said.

"Yeah sure" I replied and Angela smiled.


I followed Angela to her room and she closed the door behind me after we walked in. I sat on the end of her bed getting my books out to study as she did the same. "God Mr Grant assigns so much work" Angela said as she looked through our math homework. "I know right" I said giggling. "Hey, what was your old school like?" Angela said.

"Umm well it was kind of the same as our school now really except it didn't rain so much" I said and Angela giggled. "Do any of your old friends still talk to you?" Angela said and I shook my head. "No. Umm after my mom died I kind of isolated myself from everyone and I fell out of contact with my friends" I said as I looked down at her duvet.

"...How come you isolated yourself?" She said gently and I sighed. "Because of the grief. I couldn't bring myself to leave my bed most days. I spent half of my time crying and spent the the other half staring at my wall feeling numb" I said as I felt my eyes sting. "Losing my mom is the worst thing I've ever had to go through" I said.

"Malory I'm so sorry" Angela said as placed her hand on my knee. "It's alright. She always told me everything happens for a reason, somethings you can't explain but in the end it will all work out" I said and she gave me a small smile. "You know, I can't insult you by saying I know what you're going through because I don't but if you ever need anyone, I'm here for you" Angela said and I gave her a small smile.

"Thanks Angela, that means a lot" I said.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now