Chapter 34

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I followed behind Bella and Jacob as we drove to her house. After a few minutes I pulled up behind Bella's truck and saw her climb out. She ran to my car as I got out. "Bella, what's wrong?!" I said as I saw a look of shock on her face. "Carlisle's car is here" She said and I looked across the street to see the familiar car.

"Oh my God!" I said before running behind Bella as we ran to her house. "Girls stop! It's a truck! You have to come with me!" Jacob said stopping us. "Let go of me!" I said pulling my arm from his grip. "They won't hurt us" Bella said. "Look, if a Cullen is back here, this is their territory. The treaty says we can only defend on our lands. I can't protect you here" Jacob said.

"Ok. It's ok. You don't have to" Bella said. "You're about to cross a line" Jacob replied. "Then don't draw one. Please?" Bella said before grabbing my arm pulling me up the steps to her front door, my heart racing. Please don't be a trap, please don't be a trap I thought to myself as we entered the dark house.

Bella turned the light on and I gave a small frightened scream as we turned and saw Alice standing right beside us. "Alice?!" Bella said before hugging her tightly. "Alice!" I cried as I wrapped her in a tight hug, tears of happiness and relief rolling down my cheeks. "Bella! Malory!" She said. "I'm sorry I-I just can't believe you're here" I shakily still in shock to see her.

"Would you like to explain to me how the both of you are alive?!" She said as she looked at us. "W-What do you mean?" I said confused. "I saw a vision of you jumping off a cliff as a suicide attempt a few days ago and I had one of you Bella. You jumped off a cliff! Why in the hell did you both try and kill yourselves?! What about Charlie?! What about Danielle?!" Alice snapped and memories flashed through my mind.

"I didn't try to kill myself. I was cliff jumping recreationally. It was fun" Bella said. "And you?!" Alice said as she turned to me. "I was trying to kill myself. I just couldn't handle it but I was stopped by a friend. I went to walk away when the part of the cliff I was standing broke away and I fell into the ocean unconscious" I explained.

"Oh God Mal!" Alice said as she hugged me for a moment before pulling away. "Don't ever do that again!" She said as she held my shoulders and I nodded. "I'm going to make some tea uh Mal you want some?" Bella said and I shrugged before nodding. Alice and I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"You two had me worried sick. I was waiting for the right time to slip out and come check to see you were ok and then I had the vision of Bella and just had to come right away" Alice said. "Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you" I said sheepishly. After a few seconds Bella appeared with two mugs in her hand.

"I have never met someone more prone to life threatening idiocy" Alice said to Bella. "Did you...did you tell him?" Bella asked and Alice shook her head. "No. I didn't tell either of them. They only call in once every few months. Edward said he wanted to be alone and Emmett moved out a few weeks ago. He and Rosalie had some pretty big arguments" Alice said and I bit my bottom lip.

"Where's he staying?" I asked and Alice sighed. "We don't know. He just he wanted to leave. We thought he may have come back to Forks but he didn't" Alice explained and I nodded. "Bella, what is that god-awful wet dog smell?" said Alice as a look of disgust crossed her feature.

"Umm...that's probably me or it's Jacob" Bella replied as she took off my jacket. "Jacob who?" Alice questioned. "Jacob's kind of a werewolf" Bella said and Alice sighed. "Girls, werewolves are not good company to keep" Alice scolded as Jacob walked into the room. "Speak for yourself" He said as Alice rose from the couch.

"I had to see you were safe" Jacob said as he looked at Bella and I. "I thought you couldn't protect us here" I said. "Guess I don't care" Jacob said back bluntly. "Well I'm not going to hurt them" Alice said. "No. You're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker that tried to kill Bella and Malory because of you" Jacob spat sarcastically.

"Victoria?" Alice said as she turned to us. "Yeah Victoria's been around" Bella said from beside me. "I didn't see her. I didn't see either of you get pulled out of the water either" Alice said confused. "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts" Alice spat as she glared at Jacob. "Don't get me upset" Jacob said through gritted teeth as he took a step towards Alice.

"Hey stop" Bella said as she stood up from the couch. "Or things are going to get very ugly!" Jacob snapped ignoring Bella. "Umm..." Bella said as an awkward silence filled the air. "I'll give you a minute" Alice said as she walked away. "Hey, you're not going anywhere, you going to come back right?" Bella said and Alice nodded.

"As soon as you put the dog out" She said before exiting the house. "I'm going to join her" I said before leaving out the front door to see Alice sitting on the front step. I sat beside her and she turned to me. "Why did he leave me?" I said as I looked to the ground. "Mal, he never wanted to leave you. He said he was going to stay and the rest of us could leave but Edward and Rosalie forced him to come with us saying he was too dangerous for you. He never left his room. Never spoke to anyone. We had to force him to hunt" Alice said and I closed my eyes trying to fight back the tears but they fell from my eyes.

"I miss him so much. I kept going over and over it in my head trying to find what I was that I had done wrong to make him leave me" I said and Alice wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "It wasn't your fault. It was Edward's idea to leave. You and Bella did nothing wrong" Alice said and I nodded. Alice let out a small gasp as her eyes clouded over.

After a few moments she blinked and turned to me, a look of worry and fear on her face. "Alice? What is it?!" I said. "It's Emmett and Edward. They're at the Volturi. Rosalie told both of them why I came and they think you and Bella are dead. They want to die too" Alice said and I gasped before we both entered the house heading to the kitchen where Jacob and Bella were.

"Bella! It's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here" Alice said and Bella turned to Jacob. "Why would you - Why didn't you let me speak to him?!" Bella snapped. "He didn't ask for you!" Jacob replied. "I don't care!" Bella cried and Alice grabbed her arm. "Bella! He's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too" Alice said.

"We need to fly to Italy tonight if we're going to get there in time. Go and pack" Alice said before Bella and I ran upstairs to her room. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled Danielle's number. "Hello?" She answered. "Danielle, it's me. I need to head back to Colorado. My moms best friend Julia, who is like an aunty to me, is seriously sick and may not have long to live. I need to fly back to Colorado tonight to say goodbye because she says she doesn't have long to live and would like to see me one last time" I lied.

"What? Oh honey ok. Do you need me to try you to the airport?" Danielle said. "No it's fine. I'm on my way there now" I said. "Do you have stuff packed?" She said. "Yeah. I'll be home in a few days" I said. "Ok. Do you have money for a ticket?" Danielle asked. "Yeah. I bought one online last night" I replied. "Ok. We'll see you in a few days. Travel safe" She said before hanging up.

I've packed some of my clothes for you" Bella said as she handed me a backpack. "Do you have a passport?!" Bella said and I nodded. "Yeah in my car. It's in the glovebox. I needed it for something the other week and I forgot to put back in my room" I said as we exited the house. I quickly ran to my car unlocking it and grabbing my passport.

I climbed into the front seat of Carlisle's car as Jacob was trying to convince Bella to stay. "What about your dad?" said Jake as Bella walked to the car. "I'm 18. I'm legally free to go and I left a note" Bella said as she climbed in. "Please Bella. Just...stay here. For Charlie. For me" Jake begged as he reached into the car holding the keys ready to pull them out.

I groaned as I ran my fingers through my hair. "I have to go" Bella said. "I'm begging you. Please"Jake said desperately. "Jake! I'm sorry but we're running out of time! Please just...let her go! We need to do this!" I begged. "Goodbye Jacob" Bella said before a look of hurt crossed his face as he walked away from the car. "Ok" Alice said before beginning to drive off.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now