Chapter 33

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Dear diary,

I don't know what to believe anymore. What has the world come to? First vampires and now werewolves? What's next? Dragons? Pixies? Fairies? I've only heard of such things in childhood stories and movies but now they're real. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Like this is all a dream. But it's not. It's reality. I saw him. Emmett. But it wasn't him; more like a hallucination in my mind when we saw Laurent in the field. It felt so surreal and strange to see him, hear him after all this time. It's something that I've longed for. There are times where I call him just for it to go to voicemail so I can at least hear his voice. In a way it comforts me because it reminds me that he was real. He was here, he was mine and I was his. I don't have the nightmares so much anymore. I don't really have dreams anymore. It's strange but peaceful. When they first left, I used to leave my window open in hopes that he would come back. But he never did clearly. I guess you can say I'm beginning to accept that I won't see him again. But part of me still hopes that I will.

I sighed as I closed my diary and looked out at the ocean of First beach from the bonnet of my car that I was sitting on. I placed my diary beside me and looked out at the ocean. As I looked around, I saw a figure at the top of the cliffs. "Why would anyone be jumping in weather like this?" I muttered to myself. I looked closer and recognised the figure.

"Bella?!" I whispered before I threw my stuff in my car. I sprinted from the car park onto the shore and continued running to the bottom of the cliffs. I ran as hard as I could up the steep and rocky hill through the trees. "Bella! Bella!" I yelled as I neared the top. Once there, I saw her gone but her stuff lying on the ground. I ran to the edge and looked down to see her in the water.

"Bella!" I called down to her and she looked up. "Are you ok?!" I called out again and she nodded. I let out a sigh of relief and looked out to see a massive wave. "OH MY GOD BELLA!" I screamed as I watched it smash over her. "BELLA!" I screamed hoping she'd resurface. Out of nowhere someone ran past me leaping over the cliff.

I recognised him as Jacob and watched as he resurfaced with an unconscious Bella a few seconds later. I grabbed her stuff before quickly sprinting back down the cliff. I gasped as I tripped over a branch falling to the ground hitting my head. I groaned as I stood back up and continued running to the shore where I saw Jacob doing CPR on Bella.

I collapsed beside him and felt sick to my stomach as I saw Bella pale, her lips blue, her eyes shut. "I-Is she ok?!" I stammered. "I don't know. She was sinking when I got to her" Jacob said. "Come on! Breathe! Breathe!" Jacob said before pressing on her chest. Bella's eyes opened as some water fell from her mouth.

"Bella, Bella, can you hear me?" Jacob said as Bella looked around. "Oh thank God!" I said as I placed my hand on my chest. "Jake?" Bella said slightly dazed. "Come here" Jake said as he sat her up. "What the hell were you thinking?" Jacob said as he looked at Bella. "God Bella, you're an idiot! Do you know how scared I was?!" I snapped.

"I just wanted to see something" Bella answered and I rolled my eyes. "GET THEM HOME! I'M GOING TO HELP OUT OVER AT HARRY'S PLACE!" We heard a voice holler and turned to see Sam standing at the other end of the beach. "What happened at Harry's?" asked Bella as she looked up at Jake.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. Charlie and my dad are over at his place with his family" Jake replied. "Is he ok?" Bella asked, concern lacing her face. "He's gone" Jake said solemnly. "Come on. I'll get you something dry and drive you home" Jake said. "Here. Take my jacket" I said unzipping it and wrapping it around Bella's shoulders.

Alice's P.O.V

"I need to leave" I said as I packed a bag in my room. "What?! Why?!" Rosalie said from the doorway. "I need to check on the girls" I replied as I rushed around gathering everything I needed. "What do you mean check on the girls?!" Rosalie said irritably. "I had a vision this morning of Bella jumping off a cliff and I've been waiting for another one to see if she or Malory are still alive and I haven't had one! I've been waiting for the right time to leave and check on Malory but this is too much now" I snapped back.

"Malory's dead?" Rosalie asked. "I don't know that's why I'm going back to Forks. I need to see if they're ok!" I said as I zipped up my bag. "Alice stop! I'm hurt that Malory may be dead but...maybe this is for best for Edward and Emmett" Rosalie said and I gasped. "No. I'm leaving. Excuse me" I said pushing past her. I grabbed Carlisle's keys and left the house.

I climbed in starting up the car before speeding off.

Emmett's P.O.V

I sat in the abandoned house I found in the woods. The sound of my phone ringing broke the silence and I reached over grabbing it to see it was Rosalie. I clicked answer and held the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I muttered. "Emmett. Alice has left to go back to Forks to check on Malory because she had a vision that Malory threw herself off a cliff and...Emmett, Malory's gone".

I crushed the phone that was in my hand and let out a scream as I dry sobbed. "NOOOOO!" I yelled as I punched my fist through the wooden walls. I tore the small house to pieces when there was barely nothing left. I can't live without her...

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now