Chapter 49

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I watched in shock and amusement as Emmett was thrown through the air by Jasper before landing hard on the ground. He instantly stood up from the ground covered in dirt. "Again!" Emmett said, determination lacing his voice. He began walking over to us as we heard a car approaching. We all turned and saw Edward and Bella arriving in Emmett's jeep.

They both climbed out before walking over to us. Emmett stood beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "You're all dirty" I said wiping off his chest and he chuckled. I heard the sound of twigs snapping and we all turned to see the wolves descending from the trees. "They don't trust enough to be in their human forms" Edward said as he read their minds.

"They came and that's what matters. Will you translate?" Carlisle replied before he stepped forward. "Hey Jake" Bella said and I turned to see Jacob standing off to the right near Bella. "Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them" Carlisle began as he faced the wolves.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us" Edward said, translating their thoughts. "They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful then in our first several months of this life" Carlisle explained before Jasper walked forward.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they're created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, and no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are first: never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly and second: never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you will lose" said Jasper.

"Emmett" Jasper said as he turned back to his family walking over to a spot. Emmett kissed my temple before standing a few feet away from Jasper, a smirk on his face. "Don't hold back" Jasper said smugly. "Not in my nature" Emmett replied and I smirked. Emmett rushed over to Jasper, wrapping his arms around his torso as he pushed him back before throwing Jasper through the air.

Jasper landed on the ground sliding across the dirt before rising and charging straight at Emmett. Emmett swung at Jasper with a fist which Jasper swiftly ducked before he pulled Emmett to the ground and I giggled. "Never lose focus" Jasper said before he walked away. Emmett stood up from the ground, a look of irritation on his face and I giggled as I walked over to him.

"I thought you did great baby" I said as I leaned up kissing his cheek. "Ready to get your ass kicked again Emmett?" Damon said smugly as he walked away from Rosalie. "You're so on Damon" Emmett replied before the two charged at each other. Rosalie stood beside me as she shook her head. Damon swung at Emmett only just missing him.

Emmett grabbed Damon's arm and flipped him to the ground. "Always be ready for anything" Jasper said as he walked by and I smiled. "Are they always like this?" I asked as I turned to Rosalie who nodded. "Yep. Just typical boys" She replied and I giggled. "Rose, your turn" Jasper said and everyone gathered around watching.

Jasper motioned Rosalie with his fingers as she took a few steps toward him. Rosalie swung at Jasper twice and I watched in amazement as he ducked them effortlessly before flipping Rosalie causing her to land on all fours on the ground. Alice walked over to Jasper standing in front of him.

Jasper went to grab Alice and she swiftly dodged him, an innocent yet smug look on her face. He went to grab her again and she appeared beside him. Jasper ran at Alice and she cartwheeled out of the way effortlessly. Jasper swung at Alice a few more times as she dodged each one until Jasper grabbed her by her arms.

He leaned in about to kiss her when she disappeared and I looked around confused before she suddenly appeared on his back. Alice pecked Jasper's lips before climbing off his back and I high fived her as she walked over to us. "That was awesome" I said to her and she gave a small giggle. Emmett walked over to me after another quick wrestle with Damon.

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I looked up to him. "Are you nervous?" I asked as he looked into my eyes. "For the fight? No. All of us plus the...wolves can easily take on an immature, untrained army of newborns" Emmett said confidently and I smiled. "You know that's what I love about you. No matter what comes your way, you never doubt yourself" I said and he smirked before leaning down pressing his lips to mine as he wrapped his other arm around my waist.

After a few more minutes the Cullen's decided to call it a day. "Ready babe?" Emmett said and I nodded before jumping on his back. "Hold on" said Emmett before he rushed into the woods. I let out a squeal of excitement as he jumped from tree to tree before we made it back to the Cullen house.

I climbed off his back and grabbed my car keys from my jacket pocket. "I should head home" I said and he nodded. "I need to hunt but I'll see you tonight" Emmett replied and I nodded before pecking his lips once more. I climbed into my car and started it up before driving home. After a few minutes I arrived and parked my car before climbing out.

I walked into the house and unzipped my jacket hanging it on the coat rack before making my way upstairs. As I was walking to my room I heard a sob come from Jess's room. I stopped outside her door and softly knocked. "Jess?" I called out. "Come in" I heard her say and opened the door to see Jess wiping her face as she looked at me.

Her face was wet and red, her eyes bloodshot. It was obvious she had been crying. "Are you ok?" I asked as I closed the door behind me. "No" Jess said as her face fell and I sat on her bed across from her. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked. "It's just Mike! He's so frustrating!" Jess exclaimed. "Why? What's happened?" I said. "He broke up with me again!" Jess cried.

Jess and Mike had been on and off for months. One week they were together and the next they were broken up. It was so hard to keep up with their relationship because it was so turbulent. "Why did he break up with you?" I asked and she sighed. "He said it wouldn't be good to enter college in a relationship and said it would be better in the long run" Jess replied.

"But...aren't you guys going to the same college?" I said. "Yes! I deliberately chose the same college so we could stay together and so we wouldn't have to do the whole long distance thing!" Jess cried as the tears continued to fall from her eyes. "He just frustrates me so much! One minute he wants to be single and go to parties with Tyler then the next week he wants to get back with me and when I move on he gets jealous!" Jess ranted.

"Men are confusing like that" I replied. "I just wish I could've met someone like Emmett. You're so lucky. I see the way he looks at you, the way he holds you. He's never looked at another girl the whole time you two have been together. It's like you're all that matters to him. I just wish I could have someone like that" Jess said as she wiped her tears and I gave her a sad smile.

"Don't think that just because Mike's a douchebag, all guys are because they're not. Mike's probably acting like this because he's fresh out of high school and he doesn't know what he wants. Whether he wants to experiment or stay with you, you know what I mean? Like you said in your speech, this is a time to make mistakes and maybe Mike will get with another girl and realise she's nowhere near as amazing as you and if he doesn't realise that then he's just an idiot. Jess, you're pretty, you're smart, funny, caring. Don't hold yourself back on one guy who won't give you five minutes of his time. Go out and find someone else and if it doesn't work out and you and Mike come back together then maybe you're meant to be together but for now, go nuts girl. You don't have anyone holding you back except yourself" I said and she wiped her eyes.

"You really mean that?" said Jess and I nodded. "Thanks Malory" Jess said as she wrapped me in a tight hug.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now