Chapter 63

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As the weeks drew on, my stomach grew more and more. This came as a total shock not only to me, but to everyone else in the family as well. After discovering my pregnancy, I instantly knew I wanted to keep it. Thankfully, Emmett wasn't mad and let me choose. "Are you sure there is nothing I can get you? Some water? Maybe some crackers?" Rosalie said as she sat beside Bella and I on the couch.

"Rose, I'm fine. Really" Bella replied. "Mal?" She said as she turned to me. "I'm alright" I said and she nodded. I leaned into Emmett as he sat behind me, placing my hands over my stomach that was under a blanket.

Everyone turned their heads to the window as we heard a motorbike pulling into the driveway. "That must be Jacob" Carlisle said before making his way down the stairs. "Is it true?" I heard Jacob say. "Hello Jacob, how are you?" Carlisle asked as I heard the door shut. "Listen, just give it to me straight" Jacob said, his voice echoing up the stairs. "Jake is that you?" Bella called out.

Within seconds, Jake walked up the steps, Carlisle following close behind as they entered the living room. "I'm glad you came" Bella said from her position on the couch. Jake went to take a step forward, Rosalie doing the same. "Close enough" Rosalie spat as she glared at Jake. "What's your problem?" Jake snapped as the two glared at each other.

"Rose it's ok" Bella said from behind Rosalie. Rosalie took a step to the side as Jake sat on the coffee table in front of Bella. "You look terrible. Both of you do" He said playfully as he looked at the both of us. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too" Bella replied sheepishly. "So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked and Bella let out a sigh before turning to Rosalie.

"Rose you wanna help me up?" Bella asked as she threw her blanket off. Rosalie grabbed her hands helping her stand. "You too?!" Jacob said in shock as he looked at me and I nodded."You did this!" Jacob snapped as he went to charge at Edward only to be stopped by Damon. "We didn't know it was even possible" Carlisle said as Jacob shoved Damon's hand off his shoulder.

"What is it?!" Jacob snapped as he turned to Carlisle. "I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac" Carlisle explained. "I can't see it either...and I can't see their futures anymore" Alice said from beside Jasper. "We've been researching legends but there hasn't been much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast growing" said Carlisle.

"Why haven't you done anything?! Take it out of them!" said Jacob as he walked up to Carlisle. "This is none of your business dog!" Rosalie spat. "Rose! All this fighting isn't good for girls" Esme scolded. "The fetus isn't good for them!" said Alice. "Say the word Alice! Baby! It's just a little baby!" Rosalie snapped as she turned to her sister.

"Possibly" Jasper said as he stood beside his wife. "Carlisle, you've gotta do something" Jacob said as he turned to Carlisle. "No! It's not his decision, it's not any of yours. It's our bodies and we can do as we please" I snapped angrily. "Jacob, I need to talk to you" Edward sad before making his way outside, Jacob following.

I sighed as I placed my hand over the top of my stomach looking down at it. I didn't think one baby would cause such drama. I shifted in my spot and gasped as I felt a sharp pain go through my side. "Ahh!" I cried as I held my rib cage and Carlisle was instantly by my side. "I think your rib may be broken" Carlisle said before he picked me up and carried me to his surgery.

He gently laid me on the bed and grabbed his x ray machine. After the X ray he grabbed the prints and placed them on the light thing to see them. "You have two cracked ribs. Luckily nothing has been punctured. They should heal on their own" Carlisle explained and I nodded. "Your bones are becoming more brittle due to the lack of calcium over these last few weeks" Carlisle said and I sighed.

"I'm trying to eat but the baby isn't letting me keep anything down" I said and he nodded. "I'm going to give you and Bella a drip to keep you both hydrated since you aren't able to hold anything down" Carlisle said as he prepared the drip and he grabbed my right arm. Emmett grabbed my hand and I squeezed it as Carlisle placed the drip in my arm.

"There we are" He said and I let out a breath of relief that the pain was over.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now