Chapter 10

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I slipped my coat on and ran my fingers through my hair as I looked in my mirror. There was a honk and I looked out my window to see Emmett's silver jeep. I smile instantly came to my face and I grabbed my bag before running down stairs. I ran out the door closing it behind me before running into Emmett's open arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I pressed my lips to his.

He kissed me back eagerly before we pulled away and he placed me down. "Hey babe" He said with a smirk before opening my door letting me in. "Thanks" I said before he closed the door. He walked to his side before climbing in and starting the car up. He reversed out of the driveway before speeding down the road. Emmett reached for my hand over the console and I placed my hand in his cold one.

Soon enough we arrived and the nerves set in. "I'm scared now" I said and Emmett caressed my knuckles with his thumb. "Why?" He said as an adorable confused expression crossed his face. "Because, what if people say something?" I said and he let out a chuckle. "Who cares babe. Let them say what they want ok? All that matters is you and me" He said and I nodded.

He leaned over pecking my lips before he climbed out and I already noticed people staring. He walked to my side and opened my door before offering me a hand as I climbed out. People instantly began whispering as I climbed out of the car and Emmett wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Everyone's staring" I whispered to him and he chuckled.

"And? They're probably jealous that I have the prettiest girl in the school" He said and I blushed. He leaned over kissing my cheek as we passed some people. "Is that Malory?" "Are they together?!" I heard some people whisper. We walked into the school and Emmett walked me to my locker. I opened it before grabbing the books I needed.

Luckily first period was History. After the bell Emmett and I walked into class.


I walked back to my locker and saw Emmett leaning against it waiting for me. He turned and a smile came to his face as I approached him. "I missed you" I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you too" Emmett replied before leaning down placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "You ready for lunch?" He said as he pulled away and I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and we walked into the cafeteria where people stared. Ignoring them, we walked over to the food and I grabbed a tray. I grabbed some nachos, carrots and celery, hummus and an orange juice before Emmett and I walked to a vacant table. Emmett pulled my chair out for me and I thanked him before taking a seat. He sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I leaned into him.

"What is human food like for vampires?" I said lowly as I looked up at Emmett. "Well it tastes like dirt and we have no need for it" Emmett said and I nodded. "And what's it like living on animal blood in comparison to human blood?" I said as I ate a nacho. "Well human blood makes you feel slightly stronger and satisfies you longer. Animal blood isn't as good" He said and I nodded.

"So like a human just living on tofu in comparison to normal food" I said and a confused expression came across his face. "What's tofu?" He said and I giggled. "It's like an Asian food that gives you what you need to survive but it doesn't satisfy you as well as normal food would" I said and he nodded. "Yeah animal blood is like that" He said and I smiled.

I felt someone's harsh glare and looked over to see Emmett's sister, Rosalie, glaring at me. "Why is your sister glaring at me?" I said confused and slightly intimidated. "She's always been hostile to humans" He said shrugging and I nodded brushing it off.


Emmett pulled up to my house and I turned to him. "Wanna come inside?" I said and he nodded before turning his car off. As we climbed out I noticed Jess's car in the driveway along with someone else's. Shrugging it off, Emmett and I walked to the front door. I grabbed out my house keys and unlocked the door before we walked in where I saw Jess and Mike in the living room studying.

Their heads turned to us as we took our coats off. "H-Hey!" Jess said excitedly as she stood from her seat on the couch with Mike who had a surprised expression on his face. "Hey" I said as I hung my coat on the hook. "Uh Mike, Jess this is Emmett, Emmett Jess and Mike" I said motioning to Jess and Mike. "Hello" Emmett said.

"Sup" Mike said as he crossed his arms, puffing his chest out slightly. "Hi Emmett" Jess said as she gave an awkward wave, a blush creeping onto her face. "Umm let's go" I said before grabbing Emmett's hand leading him upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind us and we walked over to my bed.

I laid my head on his chest as he draped his arm over my waist. I let out a sigh as I traced circles on Emmett's stomach. "You ok?" He said as he slipped his thumb in the waist band of my jeans stroking my hip, his coolness causing me to get goosebumps. "Yeah. Just exhausted" I replied looking up at him and he nodded. "Hey, did Jess ever try to get with you?" I said with a small smirk.

"Uh I'm not sure. She would always accidentally touch my hand during science and would often pull her shirt down a bit because she got hot and sometimes she would scoot closer to me" He said and I gasped as I crawled into his lap straddling him. "Babe she was totally flirting with you!" I said with a playful gasp. "Really?" He said obliviously and I nodded.

"Well I never wanted her ever. She's actually really annoying no offence and I never found her attractive" He said and I giggled. "She is kind of annoying" I said and he chuckled. "Besides, I've got all I want right here" He said as he sat up and I smiled before pressing my lips to his.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now