Chapter 43

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As I entered the school parking lot I was shocked to not see Emmett's Jeep. I felt my heart rate quicken in slight panic. I reached for my phone and pulled it out of my purse. Where are you? Is everything alright? I texted to him and waited anxiously for him to reply. Please tell me they haven't left again. Please tell me they haven't left again I thought to myself as I bit my bottom lip waiting for him to reply.

My phone vibrated and I gasped as I instantly turned it on. Family stuff Emmett replied and I let out a sigh. So you're not coming today? I texted back. No. Sorry baby x Emmett texted back and I groaned. I hated days when Emmett wasn't here with me. It was strange. Like...I didn't feel whole without him. I turned my phone off and put it in my bag before climbing out of my car.

I shut the door and walked over to my friends. "Hey" I said as I stood beside Angela. "Hey. You alright?" said Angela as she looked to me and I nodded. "Yeah" I shrugged. "Where's Emmett?" Angela said as she looked around. "Uh the Cullen's aren't coming today. They have a funeral" I lied. "Oh no. Is Emmett ok?" Angela asked and I nodded.

"It was a family friend of Carlisle's I think" I replied and she nodded. "Are you ok though? You seem a little down" said Angela as she looked to me. "Yeah I just feel a little lonely is all you know with Bella in Arizona and Emmett not here today, I just feel a little lonely" I said and Angela gave me a small smile as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"You have me" She said with a smile and I smiled back. "Very true" I said as I wrapped my arm around her and she nodded with a big smile. The bell rang and we all headed into the school.

Emmett's P.O.V

"Emmett?" I heard Rosalie say and turned to see her at my doorway. "Yeah?" I replied as I turned to her. "You ready to hunt? We're about to leave" said Rosalie and I nodded as I stood up from my couch. "Is everything alright?" Rosalie asked and I nodded. "I just hate being away from Mal. Especially with Victoria in the area. I just get worried when she's all alone and vulnerable" I replied.

"She'll be alright. Besides, like Alice said, Victoria won't be in the area till tonight and we'll be prepared. We'll catch her and end this ok? So don't worry" Rosalie said and I nodded before we made our way downstairs where Carlisle, Esme, Damon, Alice and Jasper were waiting. We all left the house and sprinted into the forest.

I sniffed the air and sprinted off to my right towards a bear. I stopped a few feet behind it and hid behind a tree as it walk through the woods. I sprinted towards it and tackled the bear to the ground. It roared as it tried to attack me and I pinned it down and bit into its neck drinking it dry. After I finished I rose from the ground and decided to go for one more hunt to make sure I was at my full strength for tonight.

I sniffed the air once more and smelt a heard of deer near by. I sprinted in the direction where the smell was coming from and saw a heard of deer grazing on the grass. I leapt forward tackling a stag and instantly sunk my teeth into its neck sucking its blood until it was dry. I wiped my mouth before sprinting back home where I saw my family also returning.

"Get a good hunt Emmett?" Jasper asked as we walked into the house and I nodded. "Got a massive grizzly bear and a stag" I said smugly as we entered the house. "Oh nice. I was hoping to get a bear but I found a mountain lion" Jasper replied and I nodded. "Wanna play FIFA boys?" Damon said as he approached Jasper and I.

"Oh you're so on" I said as we walked to the living room.


I watched the trees looking for any movement as we all stood in the middle of the woods waiting for Victoria. I could feel the anticipation and anger building in my chest. Anger because she was wanting to kill my Malory and anticipation to rip her head off once and for all. "Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle said breaking the silence.

"She's almost" Alice replied. "On your left!" Alice exclaimed and without a second thought I sprinted off in the direction ahead of my family, Victoria a few feet in front of me. I reached forward grabbed her shoulder when she flipped me over, causing me to land hard on the ground.

I angrily rose from the ground and sprinted after her once more, more determined then ever to kill her. Thoughts of Malory clouded my mind. The image of her screaming in the ballet studio after James had but her flashed through and I sprinted faster. I watched as Victoria leapt over the small river bank onto the other side.

"Wait! She's in their territory!" Carlisle said as he put his arm in front of us before we sprinted along our side, trying to keep up with her. "She'll get away!" Esme called. "No she won't!" Jasper snapped as the wolves chased after Victoria. I sprinted ahead of Jasper leaping over the rocks as fast as I could.

Victoria leapt back onto our land and I saw Jasper running slightly in front of me in my peripheral vision. Victoria leapt up some trees, Jasper doing the same as he dove through the air trying to grab her only to just miss like I had. I continued running getting closer and closer to her, my vision turning into tunnel vision as I was just feet away.

I watched as she leapt off the cliff onto the other side. "Emmett no!" I heard Rosalie snap but I ignored her before leaping over only to be knocked into the water by one of the wolves. I stood up growling and snarling in anger as I watched Victoria run off.


Malory's P.O.V

I checked my watch as I sat on the front steps of the Cullen's house. I had been here for 20 minutes now waiting for them. "Malory?!" I heard a voice of shock say and looked up to see Esme. "Hey" I said as I stood up. "Babe? What are you doing here?" Emmett said and I turned to see him soaking wet.

"Uh I came looking for you. Just came to see if everything was alright. Emmett, why are you wet?" I said confused, as I stared at him. "Uh I slipped when I was chasing a deer and fell into the river" Emmett said as his family entered the house. "Is there...something going on that I don't know about?" I asked skeptically as I crossed my arms.

"No. Come on lets head inside" Emmett said as he placed his hand on my lower back leading me into the house.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now