Chapter 14

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"Emmett I said leave me the hell alone!" I exclaimed as I burst into the house to see Craig and Danielle sitting in the kitchen. "Baby please don't do this!" Emmett pleaded. "No! I'm done! Just GO!" I screamed before slamming the door and stalking upstairs. "Whoah! Malory what happened?!" Danielle said as she followed me up the stairs.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't be here. I'm leaving" I said as I entered my room before slamming my door. I quickly changed into a black long sleeve top, jeans, combat boots and a white bomber vest. I bent down under my bed to grab my suitcase. "What?! Honey will you just open the door! What happened?" Danielle pleaded from outside my door and I gasped as Emmett appeared beside me. I began opening random drawers and grabbing out clothes. "Malory!" Danielle said as she knocked on the door.

"God what do I say?" I whispered to Emmett as I packed my stuff. "Just say we had a fight" Emmett replied. I walked out of my room with a toiletries bag and headed for the bathroom. "We had a fight and I broke up with him" I said as I opened the cupboards and grabbed my stuff. "A fight? What about?" Danielle said. "About him being jealous" I said before entering my room shutting my door again.

"I'll meet you down in the jeep. I'll be parked around the corner" Emmett said and I nodded before he disappeared out of my window. I zipped up my suitcase before exiting my room and walking downstairs. "Where are you going?" Danielle said as she followed me. "I'm going back home" I said as I made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Back to Colorado?! Why?" Danielle said confused. "Because I can't be here with him" I said. "Where will you go?" She continued as I made it to the front door. "I have family friends up there that I can stay with" I said. "How are you going to get there? Look sweetie this is crazy. Just go upstairs unpack and take a breather. We can talk further in the morning" Danielle said as I turned to the door.

I bit my bottom lip as the tears built in my eyes from guilt of what I was about to say. "I can't this anymore!" I said. "Malory!" Danielle said trying to calm me. "No just stop! You're not my mom Danielle and you never will be so stop trying to tell me what to do!" I exclaimed and I saw a look of shock and hurt cross her face. I took this chance to exit the house slamming the door behind me.

I ran down the steps and walked around the corner where I saw Emmett's jeep. I climbed in and he took off. I covered my face as the tears of guilt flowed. "I shouldn't have said to her. She opened up her home to me. Took me in. God I feel so bad!" I cried and Emmett placed his hand on my thigh giving it a gentle squeeze.

"It's gonna be ok baby. Once we get rid of James, everything will be ok" Emmett said and I nodded. We soon arrived at the Cullen house and I saw Bella and Edward climbing out of Bella's truck. Emmett grabbed my bag before tightly holding my hand as we walked to the front door. As we entered the house I saw Laurent and Carlisle walking down the stairs.

Emmett growled as he pulled me to his side, me clinging to his arm in fear. "Wait!" Carlisle said to Edward and Emmett as he held his hand up. "He came to warn us about James" Carlisle continued. "This isn't my fight and I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years and the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her" Laurent said before exiting the house.

Emmett turned to me and kissed my forehead before pulling me to the garage where the Cullen family was frantically packing. "I've had to fight our kind before. We're not easy to kill" Jasper said to Emmett as he walked over to the huge closet. "But not impossible" Emmett said. "We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces" Damon said and Emmett lead me to his jeep.

"I don't relish the thought of ill another creature. Even a sadistic one like James" Carlisle said as he gathered money from one of the closets. "Emmett and I will run the girls south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward said. "No, Edward, James knows you and Emmett will never leave the girls side. He'll follow you" Carlisle said.

"I'll go with the girls. Jasper and I will drive them south. I'll keep them safe" Alice said. "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward pleaded. "Yes" Alice said before grabbing Bella and I's hand leading us to Carlisle's Mercedes. "Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will smell their scents?" Edward said as he threw jackets to them.

"Why? What is Bella to me?" Rosalie argued as she held Bella's coat in disgust. "Rosalie. Bella is with Edward. She is apart of this family now and we protect our family" Carlisle said as he held the jacket. "I'm doing this for Malory because she's my friend" Rosalie said shoving Bella's jacket away and picking up mine.

Emmett appeared at my side of the car and bent down in front of me. "Emmett I don't want to be without you!" I pleaded as he held my hands in his. "Shhh shhh. It's going to be ok I promise" Emmett said as he stared me in the eyes and I nodded. "You are my world Malory. You're my reason for living. I will do whatever it takes to protect you and keep you safe I swear" Emmett said and I nodded again before leaning forwards pressing my lips to his.

We pulled away and I shivered. "You cold?" Emmett said and I nodded. He unzipped his baseball jacket before wrapping it around my shoulders. Alice started the car and Emmett closed my door. "I love you so much Malory" Emmett said as he leaned into the car. "I love you too" I whispered before quickly pecking his lips again.

We pulled away and Alice pulled out of the driveway. I watched as Emmett became smaller and smaller as we drove further away. I turned to the front and bit my bottom lip as I gripped his jacket in my hands.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now