Chapter 74

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"Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves" Edward said as I was stood in the kitchen with Bella, Tanya and Kate. "Too bad we don't all have your shield or Malory's weakening gift" Garett said as he turned to Bella and I. "It doesn't help me fight though" Bella said.

"Yeah and I have no idea how to control my gift" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "But you could help the rest of us if you could project it and Malory, if you learned how your ability works then you'll know how to control it" Tanya said as she turned to us. "What do you mean?" Bella asked. "I mean shield someone other than yourself" Tanya replied.

"Is that possible?" Bella said, intrigued. "Gifts can be developed over time" Carlisle replied. "What about my gift?" I asked. "The last girl who had your gift, was not only able to weaken peoples gifts, but also able to strengthen the gifts of others" Carlisle said and my eyes widened. "Seriously?" I questioned and he nodded.

"At first, mine was just in my palms. Now I can radiate it all over my body. I can also strengthen my gift and make it more powerful and painful" Kate said. "How do you do it?" I asked and Kate sighed. "Tell me" I demanded as I grabbed her hand. "Ow" She said. We all made our way outside where Kate began to train Bella first.

"You need to visualise it. See how it moves. What colour it is" Kate explained to Bella. Emmett wrapped his arm around my waist as we watched Bella concentrate. "Now picture it expanding. Will it to go beyond you" Kate said. I watched in amazement as a small transparent glow emanated off of Bella for a few seconds before it disappeared.

"I think she needs something to motivate her" Kate said as she turned to Edward. "No" Bella said in disagreement as Edward walked forward. "It's alright. I can take it" Edward said. "He says that now" Garett said smugly. "Focus Bella, or he's going to be hurting" Emmett said and I chuckled. "Edward I'm not ready to do this ye-""Ahhhhh!" Edward cried as Kate electrocuted him.

"I'm sorry! I said that I wasn't ready!" Bella apologised as Edward fell to the ground. "Dude you're not motivating her" Emmett said and Edward glared at him. "You wanna try?!" Edward snapped and Emmett held his hands up in defence. Bella concentrated again and the glow came off her before Kate reached up grabbing Edwards neck causing him to yell in pain.

"Kate!" Bella snapped and Kate stopped. "You seem to lack incentive. Should I go see if Renesmee's awake?" Kate said tauntingly. "You crazy?!" Bella seethed as she walked forward. "Alright, this one's on full power" Kate said as she held our her hand. Bella projected her shield but this time it covered Edward.

Kate touched his arm and he didn't double over in pain. "It's painful but it's bearable" Edward said and I smiled. "Ok, Malory's turn" Kate said and I walked forward. "Ok. Think of my gift as a flame. You are the water that is going to kill it. "You ready?" Kate asked as she held out her hand. I gave a nod and she grabbed my arm.

"Ahhh!" I cried pulling it away. "Don't pull away!" Kate snapped. "I'm sorry it just hurts!" I said as I held my hand. "So use your power. Think about my gift, now imagine it dying like flame" Kate instructed and I nodded. She touched my arm and I felt the electricity stop. I opened my eyes and Kate smirked.

"Good. Now lets see if you can still do it even when I'm not touching you. Emmett? Your turn" Kate said as she turned to Emmett. "No way" I argued. "I'm not going to let you hurt him!" I exclaimed. "Then use your gift and he won't be in pain" Kate shot back smugly. She walked over to Emmett and placed her hand on his shoulder.

He cried out in pain. I concentrated and Kates power stopped completely. She gasped as she looked at her hands before turning to me. I broke my concentration and she smirked at me. "Good" She said and I smiled.


"And so the prince and the princess lived happily ever after" I read softly and looked to see Avery asleep. I smiled closed the book placing it on her bedside table before kissing her forehead. "Mommy?" Avery said as she opened her eyes. "Yeah sweetie?" I answered. "Is something bad going to happen to us? Is that why aunt Alice and uncle Jasper left?" said Avery as she looked up at me.

"No baby. Nothing bad is going to happen" I said reassuring her. "Then why are all these people here?" She asked. "Just to help us is all" I said as I stroked her face and she nodded. "Come here. Go to sleep" I said gently and she cuddled into me. I lightly stroked her hair resting my head on top of hers. "I will always protect you and keep you safe. I promise" I whispered.

After a few minutes she let out soft snores and I smiled before carefully getting out of her bed and leaving her room. I walked into the bedroom where Emmett was reading. "She ok?" Emmett asked as he looked up at me and I nodded. "Yeah" I replied as I sat beside him. "What about you?" said Emmett as he rubbed my back.

"I don't know. I just feel so exhausted and defeated mentally" I said as I played with my necklace. "I'm sorry baby. Is there anything I can do?" Emmett asked and I shook my head. "It's alright. I'll be ok" I said and he smiled. "You know Mal, in all the time we've been together, you never cease to amaze me. You've nearly died on several occasions, you lost everything you cared about and yet, you still got through it all with your head held high and that's something I love about you. I get so proud to be able to call you my wife and you're the most amazing mother to our daughter. Avery loves you. I love you. You're an extraordinary woman babe. Don't ever doubt yourself" Emmett said and I smiled.

"I love you so much Emmett" I said before pressing my lips to his. He kissed back eagerly and we pulled away. "How about a shower?" Emmett asked and I smiled as I nodded. "I'm just going to check on Avery" I said and he nodded. I left our room as he walked into the ensuite. I walked down the hall and quietly opened Avery's bedroom door to see her fast asleep.

I saw one of the books had fallen off her nightstand and quietly entered her room. As I picked up the book a note fell out of the back of it. I scrunched my eyebrows as I bent down picking it up. I placed the book on Avery's night stand before quietly opening the note to find Alice's hand writing. J.Jenks Seattle - Destroy this.

Alice made sure that I got the message, because my mind was safe from Aro. I scrunched the piece of paper in my hand before walking back to the bedroom. I walked over to the fire place as I heard the shower running and looked at the ball of paper before throwing it into the fire watching it instantly begin to burn to ashes.

"Ready?" Emmett asked and I nodded as I turned and walked into the ensuite.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now