Chapter 20

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I looked around and saw I was in the ballet studio. I heard a woman laugh and gasped as I turned around to see Victoria in the reflection of the mirrors. "No, no, no, no!" I cried as the fear built in my stomach. I turned once more and gasped as I saw Victoria gripping my neck. "This is for him" She whispered before biting my neck. "AHHHHH!"

*End of dream*

I gasped as I was shaken awake and turned to see Emmett beside me with a worried face. I sat up and threw my arms around his neck as he held me. "You had that dream again?" Emmett said and I nodded as Emmett rubbed my back. "It was so real" I whimpered. "You don't have to worry, I won't let her get near you" Emmett said and I nodded.

"Get some sleep" He said as he laid down with me lying on his chest. Let out a sigh as I closed my eyes, Emmett tracing circles on my back.


I awoke the next morning and sat up in bed rubbing my face. I climbed out of bed and got dressed for school before grabbing my bag and walking downstairs. "Morning" Danielle said from the kitchen. "Morning" I yawned as I grabbed some toast. "You look exhausted. Didn't you sleep well?" Danielle said and I shook my head.

"I had a bad dream" I said and she nodded. "Wanna talk about it?" She said and I shook my head. "Nah it's all good. After school I'm going to the Cullen's is that ok?" I said and Danielle nodded. "Well I should probably head off. Have a good day" I said before walking to the front door. "You too sweetie" She replied before I exited the house.

I climbed into my car and put my bag on the passenger seat before pulling out of the driveway and making my way to school. I played the CD Bella had given me for my birthday and hummed to the music. After a few minutes I arrived at school and parked my car before climbing out. I saw Emmett walking over to me and I smiled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck pressing my lips to his. After a few seconds we pulled away and Emmett wrapped his arms around my waist, one of his hands sitting at the top of my butt, as I placed my hands on his biceps. "I hate waking up without" I said and he chuckled. "I know baby. Just think, one day it'll be just you and me" Emmett said and I smiled.

"Forever?" I said and Emmett smirked. "Forever" He replied before leaning down and pressing my lips to his. Emmett deepened our kiss as he held me tighter to him and he groaned before pulling away leaving me breathless. "You're so addictive" He said as he rested his forehead against mine. "Tell me about it" I said and he chuckled before we decided to head into school.

Emmett and I walked hand in hand as we walked down the hall where I saw Bella and Edward. "Bella!" I exclaimed happily before running over to her, dragging Emmett with me. "Happy birthday" I said quietly before hugging her as she groaned. "please do-""Don't remind you I know but you're my friend and I don't care what you say, I'm still wishing you a happy birthday" I said stubbornly and Emmett and Edward chuckled as Emmett kissed the top of my head.

The four of us began walking down the hall amongst ourselves when "Bella!" I heard Alice exclaim and watched as she jumped the railing of the stairs landing gracefully on the ground before she skipped over to us holding a gift for Bella. "Happy birthday!" She cheered as she hugged Bella. "Shhh!" Bella scolded and I giggled before the bell rang.

"I thought I said no presents" Bella whined as Alice handed her the gift. "I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it!" Alice said happily. "You're going to wear it tonight. Our place" Alice commanded and Bella sighed. "Come on please? It'll be fun" Alice pleaded trying to convince Bella. After a few seconds Bella let out a sigh of defeat.

"Ok. Alright" Bella said and Alice squealed happily. "Great! Ok, I'll see you at 7" Alice said before skipping over to Jasper. "Jasper! No fear with the mood control thing!" Bella said and Jasper chuckled. "Sorry Bella. Happy...Never mind" Jasper said before he and Alice walked away. "Can't trust vampires. Trust me" Edward said as we all began making our way to class.

"Wow Edward. You're so funny I'm dying with laughter" I said sarcastically causing Emmett to laugh as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "See you guys at lunch" He said before dragging me off to History.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now