Chapter 30

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"Can you pass me the sugar babe?" I heard a female voice say. "Here you go hun" A man replied. I took in a deep breath as I opened my eyes and saw I wasn't at home. I groaned as I sat up and looked around to see Embry and a man sitting at the table whilst a woman was cooking in the kitchen. "Malory, you're awake" The woman said as she walked over to me.

"W-Where am I?! W-Who are you?!" I said panicked. "Hey hey, it's ok. My name's Emily. I'm a friend of Embry's. He brought you here last night" She said as she sat at the end of the couch and I noticed the massive scars on the right side of her face. "Oh" Was all I said as memories of the cliff flooded my mind. "How do you feel?" Emily asked as she examined me. "Uh fine. My head hurts a little. What happened?" I asked.

"How much do you remember?" said Emily and I ran my hand through my hair. "Umm I was about to walk towards Embry when the piece of cliff I was standing on broke away and I fell before everything went black" I replied. "So what can happen sometimes is when you fall from a certain height at a certain angle, hitting the water is like hitting concrete. You must've fallen right on your back and neck which is why you were knocked out. Plus the cold water would've sent you into shock" Emily explained and I nodded.

I looked down and realised I wasn't in my clothes. "Where are my clothes?" I said as I looked around. "They're in the washing machine. You were still soaking wet when Embry brought you here. I took them off and changed you into some of my clothes so you'd warm up and so I could clean them. They should be ready any minute now. Until they dry, why don't you have some breakfast. I've made some fresh bacon and eggs" said Emily and I nodded.

"Do you have a phone I could borrow? I just need to call someone" I said and Emily nodded before she got up from the couch. A few moments later she re appeared with a mobile phone. "Thank you" I said before dialling the home phone at Danielle's. It rang and went straight to voicemail. They still must be asleep I thought to myself.

"Hi, you've reached the Stanley residence. Unfortunately we couldn't reach the phone but please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye!" Danielle's voicemail said. "Hey Danielle, it's me, Mal. Uh Bella called me during the night, upset, and I've just been with her making sure she's alright. Sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want to wake you or Craig. I'll be home in a little bit. Bye" I said before hanging up.

I got up from the couch and walked over to Emily handing her the phone. "Thanks" I said giving a sheepish smile. "No worries. Go take a seat at the table and have some food" She said and I walked over sitting beside Embry. "How you feeling?" Embry asked as he handed me a plate. "Uh ok I guess" I said and he nodded.

"Malory this is Sam Uley. Sam this is Malory, a friend of Bella Swan and Jacob" Embry said and I glanced at the other man sitting across from Embry. So this is the Sam that Jacob has been avoiding. "It's nice to meet you" He said giving me a nod. "You too" I said giving a small smile. I grabbed one fried egg and a piece of bacon placing them on the plate.

I slowly began eating when the back door opened revealing 2 guys. "No scent of that red head leech near the Cullen's land" One of them said causing me to snap my head up. "Shhhh!" Sam said glaring at the boys. Their eyes fell on me and I felt the awkwardness fill the air. "Who's this?" asked the shorter guy. "Uh Paul, Jared, this is Malory. She's a friend of Jacob's" Embry said.

"Malory, this is Paul" Embry said motioning to the buffer taller guy "And this is Jared" He said motioning to the other guy. "Sup" Paul said with a smirk. "Uh hi" I replied awkwardly. "So you guys know...the Cullen's?" I asked as I looked at all of them. "Somewhat" Paul said, the smirk still etched on his face. "What about you?" Jared said.

"Yeah kind of. We went to the same school before they left" I said as I averted my eyes. "You guys don't happen to know where they went do you?" I said as I looked back at them. "No we don't" Sam said and I nodded not asking anymore questions. After breakfast Emily disappeared before returning with my clothes that were folded neatly in her hands.

"Here we are. The bathroom is just there" said Emily as she pointed it out to me and I nodded before walking into it closing the door and locking it behind me. I began to undress before slipping my clothes on that were still warm from the dryer. I exited the bathroom and Emily took the other clothes from me before disappearing once again into the laundry.

She came back out after a few more moments. "Sam, mind if I borrow your truck?" Embry asked. "Sure. Crash it and I'll have your ass" Sam replied causing the other guys to chuckle. "I'll drive you to the beach to get your car" said Embry as he grabbed some car keys along with my keys. We walked out to the red pick up truck and climbed in.

I buckled my seatbelt as Embry started it up before beginning to leave the dirt driveway. "Why were Paul and Jared talking about the Cullen's and what did they mean by leech?" I said and Embry gave an awkward cough. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it" Embry said brushing me off. "Embry. Tell me the truth" I said and he sighed.

"I can't. I'm not allowed to say anything Malory" He said and I sighed. "So you were...close with them?" Embry said. "Somewhat" I replied as I looked out the window. "Jacob did say how you and Bella were involved with them. Were you like friends or...?" Embry trailed. "Uh no. I was in a relationship with Emmett before they left" I replied and he nodded.

"How do you guys know about the Cullen's if you live all the way on the Rez and they live in Forks?" I questioned as I turned to Embry. "Umm Dr Cullen has been known around here. He's helped a lot of people out with their medical issues" Embry replied and I squinted my eyes slightly. Deciding not to question it anymore I remained silent.

"Why were you trying to kill yourself last night?" Embry asked breaking the silence after a few moments. "It' just became too much to handle. The pain, the tears, the nightmares, the depression. I just couldn't take it anymore. Than you by the way, for...saving me" I said. "No worries" Embry replied giving me a sheepish smile.

"How come you stopped hanging out with Jake?" I asked and watched as his smile dropped, his features hardening. "Uh it's a long story. Really" Embry said. "I just don't get it. You guys were the best of friends when I saw you last and now you don't even talk to each other?" I said. "That's the same with you and your boyfriend. You two were together and happy and now you're not. Life happens and you move on" Embry said stiffly and I bit my bottom lip.

We soon arrived at the beach and I climbed out of the truck. Embry climbed out handing me my keys. "Uh thanks" I said. "No problem. See you round Malory" He replied before climbing back in. I unlocked my car and climbed in before starting it up. I pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive back to Forks.

There was something off about Embry and those guys. They know something...

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now