Chapter 12

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I sat in the music room during my free period and I pulled out my music book. I opened to my recent song I had written and began playing some of the keys and singing the chorus I had written. "Hallelujah, you were an angel in the shape of my mum, when I fell down you'd be there holding me up, spread your wings as you go and when God takes you back, he'll say Hallelujah you're home" I sang.

"Sounds beautiful" I heard a soft voice say and I turned to see Rosalie standing in the door way. "I didn't mean to intrude I was just walking past when I heard you" She said. "No it's fine" I replied turning back to my music. I heard her heals click as she walked over to the piano. "Malory?" She said as she stopped in front of me. "Yeah?" I said turning to her.

"I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for how I've treated you these last few weeks and I'm sorry if my actions have ever upset you. When I found out that Emmett had fallen in love with a human, I was scared not only for him but for the safety of my family however when I saw how happy he was with you, I realised that he needed you in his life. You've made him happy and that's all that matters to me. Over these last couple of decades I've had a hate for the world and I thought no one could understand the pain of losing everything you care about until met you. You really an amazing girl Malory" Rosalie said and I gave her a small smile.

"Thank you Rosalie. Emmett told me that before, you and him were really close and I understand why you didn't like but your apology means a lot to me and I really appreciate it" I said and a small smile came to her face. "If you don't mind, I'd like it if we could start over" Rosalie said and I smiled as I rose from the seat.

"I'd love that" I said and Rosalie leaned forward wrapping my in a hug and I hugged her back. We pulled away and the lunch bell rang. "Let's head to lunch" I said grabbing my stuff and Rosalie nodded before we exited the music room walking down the hall to the cafeteria.


"Hey Jess, can you tell your mom I'm gonna be at Emmett's after school?" I said to Jess as we exited school. "Uh sure" She said and I nodded before walking over to Emmett who stood with his family. "Let's go" Emmett said before opening my door. I thanked him before climbing in and buckling my seatbelt.

Emmett pulled out of the parking lot before speeding down the road causing me to giggle. Emmett reached over placing his large hand on my thigh giving it a small squeeze every now and then. "Hey babe, did you ever have a boyfriend before me?" Emmett said and I turned to him. "Mmm I had 1 when I was like 13 and it lasted like 2 weeks" I said remembering my first ever boyfriend Jason Hanks.

"What about you? Did you have any lovers before me?" I said playfully and he chuckled. "Nope. Many of the girls did find me attractive but said I was too immature for them" Emmett said and I scoffed. "Snobby bitches if you ask me. You're perfect just the way you are" I said before leaning over pecking his cheek.

We soon arrived at the Cullen house and we climbed out of Emmett's car. Emmett along with his siblings and I walked to the front door and inside. "Hello" Rosalie called out. "Hey guys" I heard Esme's kind voice call from upstairs. We walked up the stairs and saw Esme sitting at the dining table writing some paper work.

"Malory! What a lovely surprise!" She said surprised to see and I smiled before walking into her open arms. "So good to see you again Esme!" I said hugging her back. I pulled away and Emmett wrapped his arm around my waist. "Carlisle still at work?" Damon said as he sat on the couch in the living room. "Yeah. He doesn't get off till 9 tonight. We're going hunting though if any of you wanna come" She said as she looked to her adopted children.

"Emmett, wanna play call of duty?" Jasper said as he held up the game. "You're so on" Emmett said before walking over and I giggled shaking my head. I sat down at the dining table beside Esme who put away her paper work. "Malory would you like some French toast?" Esme said as she looked at me and I smiled. "Sure" I said before following her into the kitchen.

I sat on the stool and watched as she prepared all the ingredients. "So Esme, if you don't mind me asking, how did Carlisle find you?" I said and I watched as her usually kind smile dropped. "Umm, well before he turned me, I had met Carlisle at the age of 16 after I had fallen from a tree and broke my leg. He treated me and then we went our seperate ways until 10 years later. I had married however I left my husband because he was abusive, verbally and psychically. I discovered I was pregnant and I was so overjoyed. I moved away from my husband and lived with my cousin for the remainder of my pregnancy. I gave birth to a baby girl however...she died 2 days later due to lung fever. I was so overcome with grief and sadness that I felt like I had no reason so I tried to end my life by jumping off cliff. When they found me, they thought I was dead so they took me to the local hospital and I was placed in a morgue where Carlisle had found me with a faint heartbeat. He recognised me and decided to turn me in order to save my life. When I awoke Carlisle explained everything to me and after a while we fell in love, got married and here we are today" Esme said and I wiped a fallen tear.

"Esme, I'm so sorry that someone as beautiful and kind as you had to endure that" I said blinking away my tears. "It's ok. It was years ago now and I'm happy" Esme said with a warm smile and I sniffed. "I know how you were feeling. After I lost my mom, I felt like I had no reason to live. I had no mother, no father, no siblings, no family, I had no one so... I decided to try and take my life by overdosing on pills. I was moments away from death when they found me and when I woke up in the hospital I just cried. I didn't want to be alive, I wanted to be with my mom. I was so depressed for weeks and then I moved to Forks because I had no where else to go. I thought I was going to hate it here and I was planning on running away and then I met Emmett. He's helped me so much. He's brought the life back into me and I'm so grateful I have him" I said as more tears fell.

Esme stopped what she was doing and walked around the counter to me before wrapping her arms around me and I felt overwhelmed by emotion because I hadn't been hugged like this by someone for a long time. The last person who hugged me like this was my mom.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now