Chapter 2

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I slipped on my coat over my baggy maroon sweater. I looked at my appearance in the mirror tucking my hair behind my ear. I was wearing a maroon sweater some black jeans and cons. My hair was down and straight. I grabbed my backpack before walking downstairs. "You girls ready to go?" Danielle said and Jess nodded. 

"We'll stop by the coffee shop to get some breakfast" Danielle said as we walked out to her car climbing in. "How long till I get my car back" Jess said from the passenger seat. "I don't know Jess. You crashed it pretty bad" Danielle said. "Yeah I know. It's just been gone for months now" Jess complained. "I'm sure your daddy will get it out soon ok honey" Danielle said and Jess sighed.

After stopping off at a small coffee shop getting breakfast we arrived at a glum looking school. I climbed out gripping my backpack. Jess said goodbye before we made our way into school. I lingered behind her as she approached a group of people. One girl and two guys. "Hey guys" She said happily as she stood next to a guy who looked kind of like a jock.

"This is Malory" She said and I gave a small wave. "I'm Mike and you're gorgeous" The jock looking guy said offering me his hand with a flirty smile. "Nice to meet you Mike" I said shaking his hand. "I'm Erik" The Asian guy said shoving Mike's hand out of the way. "Nice to meet you guys" I said shaking Erik's hand. "I'm Angela" The girl said with a warm smile and I returned it before turning to Jess. 

"I'm going to find the office" I said before beginning to walk away. "Wait I'll show you!" I heard Mike call. We walked into the bustling school and he guided me to the office. Mike waited outside as I walked in and saw a brunette girl waiting. I approached the desk and the woman smiled at me. "Hi how can I help you?" She said as her glasses fell down the bridge of her nose. 

"Hi my names Malory Rowe, I'm new. I was just coming to collect my schedule" I said and she nodded before typing into the computer. She then rose from her seat and walked over to the printer. "You new too?" The girl said and I turned to her nodding. "I'm Bella" She said awkwardly  extending her hand. "I'm Malory" I said shaking her hand. 

"Where'd you move from?" I said. "Arizona. You?" She said. "Colorado" I said and she nodded. "Here you are girls. Sorry for the delay the damn printer got jammed again" The woman said and I smiled as I took my schedule into my hand. "Thank you" I said before walking out with Bella. "Why'd you move?" I asked and Bella bit her bottom lip before answering. 

"Uh my mom and her new husband are travelling for his baseball thing and I decided to come and live with my dad for a while" Bella said and I nodded. "Why'd you move?" Bella asked. "Umm family issues. I had nowhere else to go so I had to move down here to be with mu moms cousin" I said and she nodded. 

The bell rung as we walked into the hallway. "It was nice meeting you Bella. I'll see you round" I said before walking with Mike. "Show me your schedule" He said and I handed it to him. "Ok, so, you have English, Physics, History, P.E then lunch and then you have study period, chemistry, Human biology and Spanish" He said reading it. 

I nodded and he pointed out where my first period was. I walked into the class approaching the teacher. "Hi you must be Malory. I'm Miss Simmons" She said with a smile. "Feel free to take a seat anywhere you want" She said and I nodded before looking at the class. I saw there was free desk at the back and walked over to it before sitting down.

 "Good morning everyone. Before class starts I want to give you all your assignments. Now we are going to start looking into poetry and I want you guys to write your own poems. I want them to be real, I want to be able to feel the emotion. The best poem wins extra credit" She said before starting the class. 


I walked into the crowded cafeteria and saw Jessica waiting in line. She waved at me and I walked over to her and saw Bella and Mike with her. I grabbed a tray and lined up with them. "Hey Bella" I said with a smile. "Hey" She said returning a smile. I grabbed some salad before walking over to the table and Mike pulled my seat out for me. 

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now