Chapter 31

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I pulled up to Bella's house and saw her walk out the front door with a jacket and back pack. I climbed out of my car as she walked over to me. "Hey" I said as I shoved my hands in my pocket. "Uh hey" Bella said as she gave me an awkward smile. "How are you? I haven't heard from you in forever. I came to see if you were ok" I said and she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Oh uh sorry. Things have been...tough these last few days" Bella said. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked. "I'm actually going for a walk uh in the woods. Wanna come?" Bella said and I nodded. "Sure. Just let me grab my jacket in case it rains" I said before walking back to my car and grabbed my jacket from the backseat.

I locked my car before slipping it on. We began to walk into the woods and I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket. "So what's been going on?" I asked as we walked. "It's Jake. He stopped talking to me for a while and his dad said he had mono or something. I kept trying to call him but he never answered me. I went to check on him and he was...different. He's changed. His hair was shorter, he got really buff and he has a tattoo. He said we can't be friends anymore and that it was for my own good. It feels like like Edward all over again" replied Bella as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Bella" I said and she sighed. "What about you? Jess was saying you upped and left during the middle of the night the other day" Bella said and I sighed. "Yeah I uh went to First Beach" I said. "Why?" asked Bella, a confused expression on her face. "Because I wanted to end my life by jumping from the highest cliff" I said and Bella stopped walking as she stared at me.

"Malory" She breathed and I sighed as I looked at my shoes. "Why would you do that?" Bella said. "Because Bella, I couldn't take it anymore. I can't take this anymore. I keep thinking that maybe it will get easier and it just doesn't. You had someone to make you feel better and that was Jake. I was just a third wheel for you guys. I don't have that person who can make me forget just for a moment! I think of Emmett every second of everyday and it just rips that wound right open even more! The only person I want right now besides Emmett is my mom and she's no longer here. She's dead and I wanted to join her to end my pain" I vented as the tears slipped from my eyes.

I wiped them with my sleeve and let out a deep breath. "Why didn't you tell me any of this?" Bella said as she took a step towards me and I sighed once again. "Because Bella look at you. You're in the same depression as I am. You've got your own problems to handle. Mine would be the extra stress that you don't need" I said.

"Malory, no matter what depression I'm in, you're one of my best friends and I'm always here for you no matter what ok?" Bella said and I nodded giving her a small smile. We continued our walk through the woods. "Where exactly are we heading?" I asked breaking the silence after a few minutes. "To a field that Edward used to take me to. I just...wanna see if being there will make me be able to see him again or something" Bella said as we hiked up a steep hill.

After half an hour we arrived and Bella let out a gasp. In front of us was a field of dead grass. I turned to Bella and saw she looked as if she was about to cry. We walked forward and Bella continued looking around before bending down to the ground. "Bella" I said as I placed my hand on her back. "It's ok" I said rubbing her back.

We stood up and looked ahead to see Laurent standing in front of us. I let out a gasp of shock as I stared at him, the hairs on the back of my neck rising. "Bella, Malory" He said softly, sending shivers down my spine. "Laurent" I breathed as we stared at him. I flinched slightly as he suddenly appeared right in front of us.

"I didn't expect to find the two of you here. I went to visit the Cullen's but, their house is empty. I'm surprised they left the two of you behind. Aren't you sort of umm pets of theirs?" Laurent said as he circled us. "Yeah you could say that" Bella replied. "Do the Cullen's visit often?" Laurent questioned, a smug look on his face.

"Lie" I heard Emmett say and stumbled back slightly in shock as I saw a slightly transparent vision of him standing to my left. "Yeah they do. All the time" I said smoothly. "Lie better" Emmett said. "We'll tell them you stopped by" I stated giving a small nod as he began to circle us again. "We probably shouldn't tell Edward or Emmett cause they're pretty protective" Bella said and I nodded in agreement.

"But they're far away aren't they?" Laurent said smugly. "Why are you here?" I shot back. "I came as a favour to Victoria" Laurent replied and my heart dropped. "Victoria" Bella mumbled. "She asked me to see if the two of you were still under the protection of the Cullen's. Victoria feels it is only fair to kill Emmett and Edward's mates given they killed hers. An eye for an eye" Laurent said. "Threaten him" Emmett said as he appeared again.

"They would know who did it and they would come after you" Bella said shakily. "Killing us won't bring James back and will only lead to more reasons for the Cullen's to hunt Victoria down. You don't want Emmett and Edward hunting the both of you down. Emmett's the strongest one out of the Cullen's and Edward is the fastest. They'll tear you to pieces like they did to James" I said.

"I don't think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here unprotected?" Laurent said and I faltered for a moment. "Oh Victoria won't be happy about my killing you. But I can't help myself. You're both so mouthwatering, especially you Malory. Your rare blood type makes you so much more mouthwatering compared to other humans" Laurent said.

"How do you....." I trailed in shock. "AB- no? The rarest one out there. I've only ever had one like you over 200 years ago. Killing you will be the greatest pleasure I've had in a long time" Laurent said and I began to breathe shakily. "Please don't. I mean you helped us!" Bella pleaded. Within a second Laurent was right in front of us caressing our faces.

"No,no,no, shhhh shhh. Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness" He said as he looked at us. "Victoria plans on killing both of you slowly. Painfully. Whereas I'll make it quick. I promise. You will feel nothing" Laurent whispered and I bit my lip. I'd rather die quickly now than suffer at the hands of Victoria I thought to myself.

"Ok" I whispered as I closed my eyes. I love you Emmett I thought to myself as I waited for it to come. A few branches snapped around us and a low growl came from the woods. I turned to the area it was coming from. "I don't believe it" Laurent whispered. The trees began before a huge black wolf stepped out, growling at Laurent as it did so.

"Oh my God!" I whispered in shock as my eyes widened. More wolves appeared beside the black wolf and I gasped as it let out a growl like roar. I felt Bella grip my hand tightly as we stood frozen in fear. Before I knew it Laurent had disappeared from in front of us sprinting into the woods. The wolves chased after him but one red dusty one stopped in front of Bella and I for a moment before chasing after Laurent.

Laurent punched the black wolf sending it flying through the air landing a few feet in front of Bella and I. It stood up and chased after Laurent once more. "Run!" I exclaimed before Bella and I took off back through the woods. Within minutes we broke through the edge and ran into her house. "Dad I saw them!" Bella exclaimed as she burst into the kitchen.

"What's the matter?" Charlie asked from the table. "In the woods! They're not bears!" Bella said. "What do you mean in the woods? Girls what the hell were you doing out in the woods?!" Charlie said as he looked at both of us. "They're wolves! I mean their like huge wolves!" Bella stated. "Are you sure about that Bella?" The other man questioned.

"Yeah. I saw them too. They're a huge pack of like 10ft wolves" I interjected. "They were after...something" Bella said catching herself. "Wolves? You saw them?" Charlie questioned and we both nodded. "Alright. Well...Harry, feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" said Charlie as he turned to the other man.

"Sure yeah. I'll...I'll just uh..."He trailed off before exiting the kitchen. "I should go to the station" Charlie said as he stood up. "Yeah dad, you should go" Bella said awkwardly as Charlie left. "Uh wanna stay the night?" Bella said as she turned to me and I nodded.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now