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Third-person POV

It was the night of Halloween, when Harry was only one year old. Lily and James went out for a party with Padfoot and Moony. Harry was sick and at home with his aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and his baby cousin Dudley.

It was midnight when the Dark Lord came into the house. Vernon walks into the hallway and sees the Dark Lord.

"Petunia get Harry and Dudley and get out-".

Then the Dark Lord killed him like it was nothing. Petunia got Dudley and went up to Harry's room. She put Dudley in the crib and the sleeping Harry in the closet to keep him safe. She knew what was going to happen and she did not want Harry to die and have her sister grieving for her child, so she thought her and Dudley would give up their lives for Harry to live.

Then the Dark Lord came into Harry's baby room to see Petunia over Dudley who was in the crib. The Dark Lord killed them both, but something went wrong and the Dark Lord last part of his soul when it went into Harry. But everyone was dead except for little baby Harry and the Dark Lord Disappeared.

When Lily and James came home the saw Vernon dead body and could hear Harry crying.

James went up to find his son as his wife was crying over her brother in law.

When Lily ran up the stairs she saw her sister and their child dead. James was holding Harry while crying because this could have been them. They could be the ones dead, leaving Harry an orphan.

But Lily was never the same after that night. She blames herself and she blames her son for the death or her sister and her family.

As Harry grew up, Lily would treat Harry like he was nothing. She blames Harry for losing her family and the loss of their unborn baby girl. Lily turned to drugs and drinking to fix her problems of losing. James was there for Harry or at least tried to be. But he started to notice that Harry had a headspace of a little kid and a baby. He also started to see Harry get bruises and cuts all over his body. He knows Lily was hurting their son. This was when Harry was six, and it had been five years since Lily's last family died by the Dark Lord.

James tried to help his wife out but nothing would work and they would get into fights where Lily would beat on James. James would not hit his wife, he refused. He also has tried to get Remus and Sirius to take Harry and raise him but they could not take him. Sirius was helping Remus. They could not take care of him. James asks Molly to help him out, but she doesn't have enough money for the seven she has, let alone one more. So James tries to help his son the best that he could.

When Harry was fifteen, James could not take it anymore, he and Harry were going to leave once Harry came home from Hogwarts. He knew Harry was gay and he was dating two boys. Draco and Ron help watch Harry and they made him happy. They wrote James weekly telling him how Harry was doing and if anything was wrong.

When Harry came home that day, James had everything packet that they might need and planned on them leaving that night. But everything that could have gone wrong, did.

James and Lily got in a fight that night and James had to leave his son, hoping that Lily would not kill their only living child.

Harry live got worse when he was at school, Ron and Draco kept Harry safe and when breaks came, he went to Ron or Draco's family to stay. Everyone knows how bad Lily was, but they could not take Harry from her. Every time they tried she would always get him back somehow. After the three boys finished Hogwarts and Harry killed the Dark Lord,he went home to his mother. He broke up with Ron and Draco and let his mother end his life, but that did not happen. She used him instead. Two years later Draco and Ron found Harry. They saved their little baby boy and boyfriend from his mother. Lily was taken to muggle prison and they could not find James anyway. They took Harry to the house they bought and was going to help their abused boyfriend find his way again.

publish on 1/05/19 edited on 9/21/19

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