Chapter 15

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Harry POV (Harry starts out at a 1 or 2 headspace to a 6-year-old headspace. )

Mommy said that he was pwangent. What does that mean. Does that mean they are going to weplase me. Do they do not wove me any mowe. This is just a lot to take in wright now. As I am sitting in my mommy's arms; all I want to do it get out of them. I do not want to be near anyone. I know I would not have trusted them at all. They just want to replace me like mama did. I am nothing to them.

I start to kick and wiggle out of mommy hold and final he puts me on the ground. I look at them and I see they are busy talking and everyone is busy talking so I take my chance and run. I do not know where I am going but I am just running. This is way too much for me and everything. They told me so many time that they love me and cared for me and that they will never leave me. That we are a family. Now it is all a lie. Everyone lies to me.

After a long time of running, I stop because I am tired. I am still mad and I can feel my magic wanted to get out. So I let it get out and do whatever it wants to do. Next thing I know I am getting sucked into a tight tube and traveling somewhere I do not know where.

I land on my button soft ground. I look around and I am in someone's house. I stay where I am at. I am way too scared to move and to look around this house. I pull my knees to my chest and lay on my side. Make me into a tight ball hoping everything will be ok.

Snape Pov

I heard a loud pop coming from downstairs. I look at Tom to see if he heard it too and he did by his look. So we both head downstairs to see who came or what that it was. When we both came down the stairs I see Harry in a tight ball rocking back and forth. I walk over to me very slowly. I am going into doctor mode to see what is wrong with him.

"Hey, Harry why are you here bubby," I said sitting down next to him.

"My magic sent me here," he said in a very small voice. I look at Tom and see him give me a sad smile. He sat on the couch and wait and listen on what is going to happen.

"Does your mommy and daddy know you here buddy?" I ask. He shook his head no as he had tears in his eyes.

"Mommy and daddy don't love me any more. They are going to replace me," Harry said as he cry. I wonder what he means and thought he might be having another flash back and this as happen before where his magic as brought him to me so I can help him. But that as not happen in four months.

"Why do you think that buddy. You know they love you so much and sense you are here without telling them.  I bet they are very worried about you and are looking for you everywhere," I said and then look at Tom to tell Ron and Draco that Harry is here with us and do not come because he is not in good mental state I said to him. He went out of the room and then Harry sat up.

"They lie to me like mama did to me all the time. Mommy and daddy are pwangent whatever that mean. They are going to replace me," Harry said as he climbed into my lap and crying. I held him close and let him cry.

I think about what Harry just told me. Maybe Ron and Draco have not explain this to Harry yet and they told their family first. I know they were going to a family get today this weekend. We were invited but we did not go because we thought we were not needed.

They must be feeling so bad what happen to Harry and so worried. They care for him like a boyfriend. They want they best for me and they will do any for him. Being a boyfriend to a little is very hard. Its also being a parent but you also are not. For their case it's not because they make love with each other and do sexual things. It jut so happens that Harry is a little.

Tom walk in and sits behind me and hold me and Harry. We sat their for a while before he spoke. "They both know he is here now. They were very worried and Ron was crying because he know they should have told Harry first and not the family. They said keep him for the rest of the night and they will pick him up tomorrow and you guys will talk to him about this," Tom said.

Then I thought about how me and Tom wants to have a little of our own or kids. We know we can get pregnant and wizards can get pregnant up to 200 years old and me and Tom are both in our 40s. Tom not born in the time that old crazy man said he was. We just don't know what we want and if we are ready yet. Plus we are both scared how it will go.

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