Chapter 19

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Draco pov

After a few hours of talking with Harry and calming him down. We both are looking for Ron and a place for Harry to take a nap. I can tell he needs one and its twelve o'clock and it's his nap time. I walk around the house looking for him. Final I found him sitting near the window looking outside. Tom and Severus were nowhere to be seen. Harry looked up from laying his head on my shoulder. 

"Mommy," Harry said making grabby hands to Ron and looking at him. 

Ron looked at us and did not move one inch. I knew what he was thinking. I am not good enough to be Harry mommy. I walk to him anyway and sit Harry on his lap. I sat on the bed watching what was going to happen next. Harry looked at Ron's stomach which it was out just a little bit from being pregnant.

Harry touch his stomach with both hands and kissed it. He giggles and said. "Hello, baby. I'm youw big bwother but also youw daddy. I am a little so most of the time I will be like youw bwother. I wove you so much," 

I was so happy that Harry my little boyfriend finally understood what was happening and he wanted the baby as much as we do. I looked at Ron and he was crying. He held Harry tight and kept on saying I am sorry. Harry just cuddle him and hugged him back. Soon Harry was asleep against Ron and Ron was looking at him in a loving way. Soon he moves to the bed and layed Harry down in between us.  Soon all three of us were asleep like the happy family we were. 

Two hours later 

Harry had a nightmare about him being sexual abuse. Sorry if you do not like it but it happens a lot with Harry.

I woke up to Harry crying. He must have had a nightmare. I open my eyes to see Harry sitting up and holding flames really tight to him. I pulled him to my lap and held him. I knew this was hard for him. What Lily did to him was not right. He was scared for life of what she did to him and its even worst because he is a little. 

Soon Harbear calms down and told me his nightmare. It was about someone touching him and him being tied up and other things. I just wanted to hurt everyone that hurt my little baby. It should have never happened in the first place. I should have looked him home with him every break. He would have been safe from everything that monster did to him. Also, I wished James would have looked him with him but I understood why he did not. I talk to him saying it would not happen ever again and he was safe with me and mommy. He gave me a small smile and then looked at Ron. 

He was still asleep and looked so calm and beautiful. Harry gave me an evil look and crawl over to Ron and then looked at me. 

"Daddy can you give me the stuff that you use on your face so I can use it on mommy," Harry said and in a whisper. 

I nodded my head and got up and got my shaving cream for him. I only think about what he is going to do with that. I came back in the room with the shaving cream in my hand. I gave Harry a bottle of shaving cream. 

I watch Harry put the shaving cream all over Ron's hands and also on his nose and cheeks.  I just stand by the door watching this all go down.  I wanted to see how Ron would react to this. 

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