Chapter 3

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Food fight at dinner

Remus Pov

I was holding Harry as I was talking to Draco. Harry seems to be doing better but we do not know what really is going through his mind. Harry cuddles more into me and playing with my long scared figures. He smiles and looks up at me and I kiss his head. I love my cub so much I wish me and Sirius could have stopped it a long time ago with the help of James. 

Then Draco got a text him Ron saying dinner was done and head to the dining room. So we got up and I pick Harry on my hip and made our way to the dining room. I put Harry in his high chair in between Ron and Draco and went to sit next to my husband and mate. 

"Ron what did you make for us this wonderful evening?" I asked looking at the food not knowing what it is.

"Ron what did you make for us this wonderful evening?" I asked looking at the food not knowing what it is

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"Its Kuksu its a Korean dish. I wanted to try something different and me and Dray spend days looking at food all over the word that was easy and good to eat!" Ron said excitedly. 

"Ahh, I see well it looks good and I bet it tasted great your mom with always a good cook," I said and Sir with nodding his head stuffing his mouth. I roll my eyes at him and started eating. Harry was just looking at his dish and not even touching it. 

"Raven honey why are you not eating it," Ron said in his mother voice.

"Me don't likey," He said and push it away. 

"Have you tried it yet?"  Draco asked

"No, I don't like it," Harry keeps on saying. 

The boys looked stress out and yes it looked weird but it tastes really good and I know Harry will like it if he tries it. Harry does not like trying new things and he freaks out. The boys were being brave about this. But I do like that the boys are slowly trying to change my little cub.

Ron got a spoon fill of the dish. "Come on honey look its an airplane and it wants to land in your mouth," he said. Harry watch how the spoon move and he open his mouth to let the plane land. Once the spoon got in his mouth he closes it and ate the dish. Harry's face went from good to bad and he spits it out. 

"Dray go get the corn pops and chicken nuggets I made for Harbear. I thought he might not like it but I wanted him to try it," Ron said. He cleans Harry's face and tries to get the dish from Harry reach but it was too late. 

Harry got a hand full of it and throw it at me. I smile but acted like I was mad at him. He did it again and throw it at Padfoot.  Sirius throw some back at Harry and was laughing like a mad man.

Then I saw Draco was coming into the dining room again with Harry food. Harry as another fill of it and throw it at Draco. Draco looked mad then he busted out laughing. Ron was laughing too. I think just seeing how Harry was happy made them happy. Yes, Harry made a mess and did not like the food but he was fun and acting like a true little and not thinking about what happened in his past. 

After everyone joined in and we all were throwing food at each other. Harry was a giggling mess and was just watch us four adults throw food at each other. After about five minutes and all the food was gone. We looked at each other and everyone was a mess.

Sirius took Harry to take a bath and get him ready to go to sleep. I help the boys clean up the dining room. We talked about how Harry was doing and how he was sleeping. The boys said he still as nightmares twice a night and he still does not like water or taking baths. We do not know what all Lily did to him but James told us it was bad before he went off the grid. 

I knew Sirius was going to have trouble with Harry taking a bath but it took us two hours to clean up the dining room and that was the same time it took for Sirius to get done. Sirius handed Ron Harry that was clean and in his Hogwarts onies. We hug and kissed them before we left and we went back to our house and got clean and went to bed. 

Ron Pov

We put Harry on our king size bed watching TV while cuddling to prongs. Me and Dray were going to take a shower. It took a little longer then you would take and we had to get clean twice. Wink Wink I hope you know what I mean. We got ready for bed and we see Harry almost asleep well-watching TV. I grab him and brought him up to me. He cuddles to me and was almost sleep. Dray shut off the TV and lights and got on Harry another side. He cuddles into Har back and put his arm over both of us. We all said good night and I loves you then we went to sleep.

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