Chapter seven

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Date night

Ron Pov

It's been three days since we have seen Snape. He told us we need to make Harry feel that he is loved by us and he is part of our relationship. We did not see that Harry was feeling left out. We try to make him feel wanted and loved and we showed him that but I guess we did not show him that we love him and that he is everything we ever wanted. 

Me and Draco decided to spend all day with Harry. We have everything plan out for him. We have to make sure to still treat Harry as our boyfriend all the time even his he is in little space. I was laying in our king size bed with Harry in the middle. With his dino footy pj on, his binky in his mouth outing up and down and holding prongs in his arms. He cuddles close to Draco. Dray pulled him close to him. 

I thought it was so cute watching them. I got up out of bed which woke up Harry. He winned a little bit but I pick him up and took him to the bathroom with me. I was going to take a shower so I thought about being him to the shower with me. I got us both undress and got us in the shower. Har giggled when the water hit him and then started dancing in the shower as I wash his hair and body. I was washing my hair when I felt arms around me and a deep husky voice in my ear. 

"You should have woken me up my little sup. I would have loved to take a long warm shower with you my little sup. Our little man is being so cute I could just fuck him if he was not in little space," Dray said in his dom voice. I could feel his hard member on my butt and I was starting to get hard too then Harry turn the water to could as he was playing around and I was happy he did. He did not need to see me get hard and Dray handling it. 

We all got out all clean ready for our date. We all got dress. I put on light jeans with black boots and a purple sweatshirt on with my big sunglasses on. I put on light makeup on my face. Harry was dressed in his short overalls and a green shirt on. He had his cute little green hiking boots on. Dray was wearing dark skinny jeans with biker boots and a red button-down shirt on with his square sunglasses on. 

We went to the car and I put Harry in the back sit in his car sit. I went up front as Dray drove us. We first went to the beach. We had a lunch picnic. Harry played in the sand and the water. He made sand castles and also got to bary each of us in the sand. He was giggling and having so much fun. Then it was lunch and it was so good. We got in the car after we magic the sand off of us.  

Then we went to the movie theater to see The Lego movie 2. Harry loved the movie and was laughing even more. After the movie, Harry was getting tired so we decided to take a long drive around the countryside so Harry could take a nap. 

Dray Pov

You might be asking we are wizards why are we doing muggle things and not use a lot of magic. Harry is not used to magic yet and the muggle ways are better for him then wizarding ways. He still gets scared easily about magic. We only assume that Lily did some awful things to Harry with magic. 

I thought it would be better to go home then go to the other things we had plan. Har would be moody after his nap and he also had a busy day. We got home and we went to the quiet room. I sat harry in his hamlet as me and Ron sit in beanbags watching our little boyfriend sleep and look so peaceful. I hope he gets better so we can start a family and have little feet full this house and see how Harry would love that it. Ron soon fall asleep on my shoulder. I smile as my two boys mine and mine alone.

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