chapter 25

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 Part one of Chrismas day

daddy = Draco       Mommy = Ron      Papa = James    Moony = Remus

Paddy = Sirius

little Harry Pov

I was having a happy dream about me and daddy and mommy playing with my toys and playing outside. There was also a little baby to play with too and I loved it so much. I can't want to have a new friend to play with and hang out with. Then I saw someone that looked like my real papa looking at me as I play. I miss him so much. He was the best at everything not that my new daddy and mommy are not the best too. 

Then I woke up and remember it was Christmas day and I get present if I am a good boy. I hope I have been a good boy. I look around me and see mommy on his side with his big belly facing me. He looked tried still maybe the little baby can come out soon and that will help mommy feel better. Then I looked at the other side and see daddy holding me tight to him. I loved when he holds me when I sleep. It makes me feel safe and loved and that what papa used to do when he was still with me. 

I wanted to see if I got presents to I started to poke daddy's face. I lost count how many times I poke his face but after a while, he finally woke up and gave me a big sleepy smile. 

"Good morning baby boy, why did you wake me up its 7 am and you still need some more sleep?" daddy said. 

"But daddy its Chwistmus day and I need to see if I have been a good boy. Pleese can we get up and see. I need to see it. Pleese pleese pleese pleese," I said using my puppy dog eyes on him. 

"Fine but you have to wake mommy up and I will get me and mommy some drink," Daddy said as he got out of bed and left the bedroom. 

Now I know mommy needed to wake up more carefully then daddy so I had to do this nicely. I looked at mommy while I think. Then I got it. I went to mommy's ear and keep on saying mommy wake up pleese over and over again. Finally, mommy woke up and looked at me with a smile and sat up.  

"Is someone excited about what day it is?" mommy said with a sleepy smile on his face as he was rubbing his tummy. 

"Yes I am can we go down staiws now so I can see if I have been a good boy?" I asked looking at mommy.  He nodded his head and got up then pick me up and put me on his hip. We walked downstairs to the family room of the house. I could not believe my eyes. 

Almost the whole room was full of presents

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Almost the whole room was full of presents. I wiggled in mommy's arms telling him I wanted down and I run to see of them. Mommy moved to sit on the couch watching me with a smile on his face. Then daddy came in with two mugs of something and baba for me and he sat down next to mommy and shared a kiss. I looked at them and smiled and run to them. Daddy picked me up and I keep on saying tank you tank you to them. 

"Anything for my little boy. I hope you love them all harbear. Santa Clause as been watching you and knew you have been a good boy and me and daddy also got you some presents too," Mommy said. I was crying now because I was a good boy and was not a bad boy. I knew I was but there was a small part of me that thought I was a bad boy and mama was going to come in and take me away still. 

Daddy told me to sit with mommy as he sorted all the presents to everyone. (this is what we do in my family. My dad gives everyone their gifts as the rest of us sit and watch him) Mommy got a lot of gifts and so did daddy but I got the most. I moved to the ground and sit on daddy's lap since he was still on the floor. He told me that I can open my presents first if I wanted too and I did. 

I got a lot of cool stuff. I got six new stuff animals, new clothes, five-set of new PJs, new coloring books and marks, wizard candy, new toy broom, six new dumps, and a lot of other stuff. I loved it all and after I open each gift I said thank you each time. After all of my was open. I reach for my baba and watch as mommy and daddy each open their gifts too. I cuddle close to daddy as mommy was looking at all the baby clothes he got and a lot of baby stuff and also other stuff that I did not care about. Daddy got some new clothes and other stuff too. Then the doorbell rang and I wonder who that was. Daddy moved me to were mommy was sitting and told us he will be right back.  

Mommy was rubbing my hair and humming some tune as I was still drinking from baba. I heard daddy talking to people and two sounded like moony and paddy but the other one I do not know. Then moony and paddy came in and I made grabby hand at them to one of them can pick me up. Moony pick me up and held me tight and then Paddy came over and hugged me too. I showed them all the toys and my other gifts I got. Then they gave me some more gifts and I opened them and loved them a lot. They gave me costumes to play dress-up with and some stuff that would be at their house when I come over and stay with them. 

"Harbear we have another gift for you and I hope you love it. I know you missed him a lot and we looked forever t find him and we finally did. So Draco can you bring our last gift for Harry in please," Paddy said. I was sitting on Moony lap wonder what this was. It was a person from what Paddy just finished telling me but who was it. It could not be papa because he was died that what mama told me that I killed him too when he left us. It could not be papa, could it? Daddy came walking in with a man that looked like papa but it cant be papa. 

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