chapter 26

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Chrismas part two

daddy = Draco        Mommy = Ron       Papa = James     Moony = Remus

Paddy = Sirius

little Harry pov

I was sitting on Moony lap wonder what this was. It was a person from what Paddy just finished telling me but who was it. It could not be papa because he was died that what mama told me that I killed him too when he left us. It could not be papa, could it? Daddy came walking in with a man that looked like papa but it cant be papa.

 But it was my papa. I got up and walk up to him. He lowers himself down and opens his arms. He looked like he was going to cry. I run to him and hug him.  He picks me up and held me tight. He put his face in my hair and he was crying and so was I. I was happy to see papa again he smelled like I remember. He smelled like broom polish and mint. 

"I'm sorry my baby boy. I should have taken you with me. I am so sorry. I love you so much," Papa said while still holding me. 

"Its ok papa I fowgife you. I lofe you too. Pleese stop cwying," I said cuddle to him closer. Papa kissed my head and sat on the love seat. I stayed cuddle close to him while everyone talked and got up with everyone. I just stayed with my papa because I was scared he would leave me again. 

While they were all talking I saw daddy getting up and moving to the tree without anyone really watching him beside me. He got two small boxes out from the tree. Then he put them in his pocket. That was weird what why did daddy do that. While I was thinking about daddy and the two small boxes papa got up and move to the kitchen and dining room to eat breakfast.  

Papa sat me in my high chair and got me eggs, sausage, biscuits, and southern gravy. He cut it all up for me and sat it in front of me. I started to eat and looked at everyone as they talk about something. 

Then daddy asked if I can be a big boy after we are done eating. I nodded my head but I was thinking what is this all about. Why do I need to be big and why does daddy have two small boxes in his pocket. What is going on? Cant I just spend time with my papa after twelve years of not seeing him. I started to get confused and mad at the same time. I started to cry because none of this made any sense to me. 

Draco pov

when he went to open the door

I got to the door and I knew who was there. I open the door and let Remus, Sirius, and James inside the house. I greet them and then pulled James back a little bit so I could ask him a question. I had already asked Molly and Author for Ron's hand in marriage and they said yes and they were so happy about it. Now I had to ask James for Harry had sense Lilly was out of the question. 

"Hey James can I ask you a question about me and Harry," I asked rubbing the back of my neck. I hope he says yes to what I am going to aked. 

"Sure Draco. You can ask me anything," James said leaning on the wall waiting for Moony or Padfoot to tell us to come in the family room. 

"I w wanted to ask y y you if it wasoktoaskHarrytomarryme," I said saying the last part fast. 

"Dray please calm down and say that again I did not catch that ok," James said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Ok ok ok. I want to ask if it's ok if I ask Harry hand in marriage. I want your blessing before I ask him," I said looking at him in the eyes. I watch his face go to normal to full-on joy. He hugged me so tight. 

"OMG. Yes, you can marry my baby boy. I know he loves you so much and you and Ron save him and help him out so much. Plus you are his dom mate. You always had my blessing to marry him. I know you are perfect for him," James said while still hugging me. This made me so much better about asking Harry to marry me now. I thought he would say yes but you never do know. I mean I was freaking out when I ask Molly and Author too. 

"Thank you so much. I am going to do it after breakfast. It's not going to be romantic but it is a special day. Its Harry's first real Christmas in a long time, you and him get to see each other after a long time, and now me asking for his and Ron's hand," I said as we broke apart from the hug. 

"I think that is romantic enough to me if I was them," James said. Then we heard Sirius call for us to come into the family room. 

time skip to them eating breakfast and to Harry crying. 

 Still Draco pov

I see Harry crying after about ten minutes after I ask him if he can be big Harry for me. I was starting to get worried. I got up and went to him and pick him up. I held him close to me and rubbed his back. "Shh, calm down baby boy. Its ok daddy right here," I said to him as I was walking around with him. 

He slowly calms down and I went to the quiet room to talk to him and see why he got so upset. He sometimes gets like this when a lot of stuff happens to him a once like today and he gets really confused about something. We sat down on the floor together and I look down at Harry and he was looking at me. 

"Hey, buddy why were you crying? I don't want my baby boy all sad on a happy day," I said while still looking at him. 

"I cry cuz I wanted to know why you asked me to big and I saw you get two small boxes. It got me to confuse with what you were doing. Also, I'm scared papa is going to leave me again and I don't want that to happen. I want my papa to stay with me forever," Harry said again and started crying again. 

My poor baby boy is worried about James leaving him again and at the same time why I have two ring boxes and on top of that why he needs to be big. I feel so bad about this and that I might have put too much on him today. I would have never done this all at once if I knew he would have a meltdown because of this. As I was thinking about this. Ron came in and sat down in the rocking chair near us.

"Draco what are you thinking about? I know that look means your overthinking about something and let me hold Harry right now. He calms down better if he is rocking in the rocking chair," Ron said looking at me. 

"I think I cause this meltdown. I wanted to give you and Harry something really special. But Harry saw me get them from behind the tree and he was trying to figure out what I was doing with them. Then on top of that, he thinks Jame will leave him again and I also ask if he can big so just stressed out and confuse. I think I overloaded them today," I said looking at him. 

"It's not your fault Dray. I think today was just overwhelming him that is all. I mean this is his first real Christmas in a long time and James coming back. It's enough for anyone to be overwhelming," Ron said as he was rocking Harry who seems to calm down and was sucking on his thumb. Soon the others found us and sat with us. we spent the rest of the day in the quiet room and hanging out with Harry. James told Harry he was never leaving him again and he was moving in with us if it was ok with me and Ron and of course it was. 

I just had to reschedule the engagement I had a plan for today then.  Maybe I will do it on new years I think Harry will be big because its new years and we did promise him he could drink on new years eve. I will even make it better then I was going to do today. 

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