Chapter one

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Third-person POV

It had been two months since Ron and Draco had found Harry and took him to their new home. Harry was trapped in his little space and he was very scared of Ron and Draco, but he did remember them. He was scared they would hit him and have other men come to his room and do stuff to him, stuff that hurt is bum.

Ron and Draco were trying their best to help Harry out. They knew it would take a while and they still needed to see how badly hurt he really was. Draco was a healer, but he did not have the Equipment he needed to see how bad his boyfriend was. Ron was worried about Harry's Trauma and how much really happened. They know it was bad because he was covered in blood and bruises and cuts. The whole house smelled of smoke, drugs, and alcohol. Harry's room was gross and an old Condoms were all over the floor. They did not know how they got their or what Lily was doing to her son or allowing other people to do to him.

Right now Harry was taking a nap in his crib with a fluffy green blanket with his stuff deer named Prongs. Ron was a stay at home boyfriend, although he did help both of his brothers with their jokeshop. He was the shipping manager. So all the orders that were being shipped all around the world, Ron handled that and made sure everything was in order and went to the right place.

Draco had his hospital at the Malfoy estate. His parents had moved to a smaller house. They let Draco take their manor and make it into the hospital. So Draco ran it and also worked with a few people but he made sure he always spends time with his baby boy.


Harry had been sleeping for around an hour when I heard him crying. I walk up the stairs to his room to see him standing on the bed holding on to the bars with a tear stained face.

"Oh Harbear did you have a bad dream honey," I asked. He nodded and raised his arms up for me to hold him. I pick him up and put him on my hip. He cuddles into my shoulder while he cries, trying to calm down from the nightmare. We walked down stairs to the quiet room.

We made Harry a quiet room so he could calm down in the dark but we also have calm music playing and colorful lights all around the room. I Laid Harry in the Hamic and rock him slowly. He watches the lights move in the room and listens to the music.

I sat on a beanbag right next to him playing on my new smartphone. Hermione wanted us all to get one so it was easier to keep in touch and to get ahold of if something happens to Harry and we need help.

Harry was babbling to himself and to his Prong. He had finally relaxed and was happy. Dray thought the quiet room would be a good thing for Harbear. It seems to be helping and we only do this when he is really upset and when he can't sleep.

Then I got a text from Dray saying he was on his way home and he was going to get Harry something. I smiled and I wonder what he would get. Also have a car because Harry is not fully ready for Floo or aporating to places. But over the past two months he is doing much better, he is getting used to me and Dray.

It was a slow process to get him to let us touch him, get in the bath, changing me, and how good much works again. Harry is also a born little we found out so that means he was born to act like a little kid. It did not show until he got his inheritance, and at fourteen he become a full little.

Harry was being good in his hammock so I got up and went to get us a snack. I got Harbear's favorite, vanilla honey milk in a bottle and strawberries in a big bowl so we can both have some. I walk back into the quiet room and har was still doing the same thing he turn his head and called me mommy with a big smile.

I know it's weird for your boyfriend to call you mommy but I am the most female like between the two boys. I like order and fashion. You do not want to see my closet of girl and boy clothes and my collection of high heels and shoes. Plus Dray gets turned on when I wear my girl clothes.

I sit down and put Harry in my lap. I feed him strawberries and he holds his bottle. He is so cute and adorable right now. Also Harry is not in headspace all the time he does get out of it sometimes but it will last for a maximum of four hours long and most of the time it's when he horny.

I hear the door open and close and Dray says he is here Harry jumps at the loud sound and starts to cry. I put the bowl and bottle to the side and turn Harry around. I hold him and try to calm him down. Dray comes him and see Harry crying and he knows he did wrong my yelling by his face like "oh shit I cause this." Dray came over and took Harry from me and told Harry he was sorry and helped calm him down. I got started with dinner since Dray came home and could play or sit with him.

Please tell me how you like this. Do you like a more female Ron? How do you want Harry to act like and what age space should he be?

1/10/19 First published

Edited 9/24/19 

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