Chapter 16

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Ron Pov

I put down Harry as he was wiggling in my arms as people were coming to us. I knew he must be confused as heck about all this happening. I felt so bad that we did not sit down with Harry in little and big space to explain this to him. I wanted to get away from everyone and tell my boyfriend and explain want was going on and how he was feeling about this. 

I finally got away from family and friends and I started looking for Harry. I got not find him so I went inside the house to see if Harry was there. I went all over the house and he was nowhere to be found. Also, his magic was not in the house and it was weak meaning he was not been in the house at all besides the morning. I was freaking out. I know I did wrong. Why did I rush this? Why did Draco not were a condom when we had sex? Why did we not talk to Harry about this? 

I was having a panic attack and I could not find my little boyfriend. I felt my world falling apart right in front of me. I fall to the ground and thinking about what I have done wrong for my sweet little boyfriend.  I just lay their think all the things I have done wrong to him. 

Draco Pov

I look around for Ron and Harry because I could not see them or find them. Maybe he is telling Harry what is going on and everything in the house. So I walk to the house and see what is going on and how it was going. 

I walk in and see Ron on the floor having a panic attack. I wonder what the heck is going on. I go to him and see if I can calm him down and see what is really happening. I sat on the floor and pull Ron on my lap and hug him tight to calm him down. As I did that I kept hearing him say that is all his fault and that why he left us.  Why is he saying that and where is Harbear any way. 

Finally, after an hour Ron as calms down and was telling me everything. That Harry was missing and he thinks he ran away because we did not tell him that he was pregnant and he thinks we don't love him. Ron as keeping saying his messed up and we should have sat down and talked to him so he would understand what is going on. He felt so bad and everything. Ron was still crying about our missing little boyfriend. 

I went outside after Ron said he wants to stay inside and just wait. He could not handle looking for him and it was too rough for him. I understood completely what he was feeling and I was in alpha mode right now. I got everyone around me and told them that Harry is missing. They all were so shock and that Harry ran away and why would he do so and so I had to tell them what was going on and what we did. 

We all started to look at around the borrow and around the area. We look his magic left behind and anything else you could think wizards have to look for people. They found nothing but a magic that was Harry in one spot but it was a mile away from the house and it told us he went to someone house. It did not tell who or where. I was getting worried and scared for him. It was also dark and we only found was Harry magic took him somewhere. 

When this did happen it would go to Dr. Snape and his boyfriend Tom. Harry magic felt safe with his mind healer when things got tough and he was over realm about things that were going on or with us. This time the reason was us not telling Harry about Ron being pregnant and everything. I walk back to the house and went to our room where Ron was laying on the bed crying. We did mess up and its all our fault. I could have just ruined all our progress with Harry right now. 

After what felt like hours up in our room thinking about what we did wrong. There was a knock on the door and then it open. Tom poked his head in and gave us a sad smile. 

"Hey boys, how are you?" Tom asked as he came full and sitting down in a chair in the room. 

"Not good. It's our fault Harry left us. We should have told him what was going on before telling everyone," Ron said crying and sitting up in the bed. 

"Yea, it's our fault we should have told him," I said holding Ron. 

"I cant disagreed or agree with what you said but I want to know what is going on with you too and why you keep it from Harry," Tom said look at us in an understanding way. 

"At first we did not know that I was pregnant we thought I just had a stomach bug. But when it lasted for more than two weeks. I know it was not a stomach bug and Draco ran some test on me and we found out that we were pregnant. I was so shocked about what was going on and we did not plan for this to happen for a long time. It was just a shock for me. I do not know how it was for Dray," Ron said looking down at his lap. 

"I was feeling the same thing really. I did not what this to happen so quickly but I did not want to kill the baby in Ron so we kept it. We were thinking about how to tell Harry and we wanted to tell Big Harry first before little Harry. But Harry was in little space a lot the past to weeks. So we were then thinking about how to tell little Harry. But then the family panic came and Ron talks to my sister and told him to tell everyone while we were all together. Then we could tell Harry. But as you see it did not go as plan," I said putting my face in Ron's shoulder. 

"I see. You did not know how to do it. Well, Harry is with us and is really little and stress out. He and Sev are talking right now. I think it best that you come over tomorrow and us five will have a talk and tell him about the pregnancy and what that means and what will happen to Harry. Harry might stay with us for a while to fully calm down and everything. You guys can still come over but you have to gain his trust for you both," Tom said looking at us and lean forward with a sad smile.

I look at Ron and he looked at me. We shared a look. We would do anything for our little boyfriend. If it takes gaining his trust and him spending time with Sev and Ton so be it. I look up at Tom and nodded my head to what he said. He came over to us and gave us a hug and a kiss on a cheek. He also said he will send an owl to tell us what time to come over to talk to Harry. Then he left the room and we both laid back down and fall sleep without Harry but we know one day we will come back to us and we knew we did wrong. 

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