Chapter 13

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Draco Pov

I woke to Ron getting up and going to the bathroom to throw up. I got up and look to see if he was doing ok. I walk into the bathroom and see Ron bend over. I go over to him rub his back and made him that I am through for him. After he was done we went back to our room to check on Har. 

He was still asleep in bed cuddle to his prongs. I got in bed and pulled Harry into my lap. Har stayed asleep still in my arms as I got up and change him into a new nappy and new clothes. 

"Don't wake him up today is going to be a busy day. Today is the family panic and he is going to run around and play. I do not want a grumpy Harry later," Ron said as we were getting dress. 

"I totally agree. He can be really a handful when he tired and grumpy. But I think it is going to happen no matter what," I said when I put on a green tank top with jeans shorts. I pick up Harry and headed down the stairs to the rest of the family. Ron was still looking for something to wear. 

I saw my mom and dad and my brother and sister sitting at the table talking to some of Ron family. I sat down at the table with Harbear cuddle to my neck. Molly came by and gave me my breakfast and Harrys too. 

"How really harrying doing Draco?" my dad asked as I was eating. 

"He is getting better. He is finally ok with being a little but he still has nightmares and flashbacks. He still has a long way to go.  Dr. Snape and his boyfriend help Harry understand that it was not the dark lord fault at all. His weight is still really low and he needs to eat more and get some meat on him," I said as I was eating. 

"Thats good. He seems better and looks better too. This is still a long road ahead and we still do not what is there to come the longer he stays with you and what he remembers," my mom said as he long at me than Harry. "Can I hold him and wake him so I can see his cute little face,"

"Yeah, you can. I have to go check on Ronny anyway," I said. 

 I gave my mom Harbear and went up to our room to check on Ron. He was laying on the bed holding his stomach crying. I got on the bed and pulled Ron to me. I knew this was a hard time for him and he was supposed to tell him and my family about him being pregnant. 

It had been two months and everything is new with us and we are hiding it from Harry. We both do not know how he will feel and the rest of the family. I just hold my boyfriend close to me and hope everything today will be ok and nothing will go wrong. I don't think Harry will get bad. I think he will be happy with it and everything. 

Its everyone else I am worried about and how they will think about it and act about it. I think Molly and Auther will be happy about a grandchild and everything. But my parents are the ones I'm worried about. They like the old ways were you date and then get married and then have kids. This is not happing with us so what will they think about this.

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