Chapter nine

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Third Pov

Two weeks later

In the morning Ron felt horrible like he was gonna be sick. He was trying to figure out why when he remembered the last time they had sex. I think Draco may have gotten me pregnant. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I was in there for a good ten minutes throwing up before I woke up Draco.

 Draco comes in and tries to help me by rubbing my back. "Hey honey what wrong?" He asks 

"I think you got me pregnant you dick!" I said while being lived with Draco then getting sick again. 

Draco was freaking out. He did not mean to get Ron pregnant. He was sitting against the wall of the bathroom waiting for Ron to stop throwing up. after Ron stops throwing up they both look at each other. They were both freaking out. They just got Harry back and They both know add a real baby will not help him out. But they both did not want to give up the baby or kill it so they were going to help to deal with this. 

Then Ron suddenly remembered Harry oh God what is he gonna think what if he doesn't like it. And Ron started to cry. Draco just sat there being useless because he is still freaking out himself and this is all happening all at once.  Then we heard Harry come in. "Mommy can we have food," Harry asked walking in.

"Mommy isn't feeling good baby how about we let him rest?"Draco said looking at Ron then at Harry again. 

"Mommy doesn't feel good? Is mommy ok?" Harry asks getting all worried and wanted to get to his mommy.   

 "He'll be fine baby. He just does not like throwing up," Draco said looking at Harry and bring him to Draco lap. 

"But mommy can't be sick I want mommy's breakfast like always. Mommy even does it when mommy is sick." Harry said with an adorable pout and has his arms out for Ron. Ron saw but did not feel up to holding Harry just yet. He wanted Draco to take him and so he can get clean up and get ready to spend the day with his little boy. 

"Its ok baby I can make breakfast for you," Draco said sounding a little excited. 

"No, I want Mommy! Want mommy, not daddy!" Harry cried trying to push Draco away from him. 

"Baby mommy needs to rest to get better bet. So let's go get you ready for the day and then you can have mommy after breakfast ok Harbear," Draco said getting up and about to take Harry with him.  

"But want mommy!" Harry said sticking his lip out and tears running down his face.

"Shh little man. Daddy got you and let's get you ready for the day," Draco said picking Harry up and taking him to his little room to get change his nappy and get him dress for the day.

After an hour of fighting with Harry to get change and everything, they were both in the kitchen eating breakfast. Harry was still mad at his daddy. He wanted mommy this was mommy time and not daddy time. Daddy time is when he came home from work and they play games with each other and he feeds me dinner. 

Harry was very stressed out because he like his schedule and his schedule to stay the same.  Harry started to cry and his magic was going all over the place. The plates were floating and moving in circles. The sink was spraying water everywhere. The glasses were breaking and then remolding back to glasses. 

Draco was trying to calm down Harry and take him to the quiet room. The quiet room is the only room in the house where magic cant work. He just needs to get to Harry. Nothing was working. Harry was blocking him from getting to him. 

Ron came running the stairs to see what was going on. Then he saw it. Ron knows what was wrong. Harry was stressing out and need to calm down and get back to his schedule. Ron came up to Harry slowly and pick him up. Harry calm down once he knows his mommy was holding him. He justed needed his mommy. 

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