Chapter 21

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Third-person pov

Ron is now five months pregnant and is started to show his little bump. Lady magic wish did not happen as she liked. Death over righted her magic. He thought added a baby to the mix was not the based idea but stuff like this happens and he felt like this will help out everyone.  

Harry is doing a little better with his mental health. His weekly visited with snape as been going good. He has been more open about what lily did to him and how he is scared that she will get out of prison and take him and keep doing what had happened to him. Harry also gain some more weight and not as skin and bones. 

Harry as also been warming up to the idea of having a child very soon. He likes the idea of help raising a child that will not grow up the way he did. Harry also needs getting out of little space a little bit more each day but also grows back into the little space. 

Ron and Draco as been happy with Harry's progress with everything and so are the rest of the family. Remus and Sirius start coming over a lot and spend time with Harry and Ron. They have also look into little groups for harry to join and for Ron and Draco to get help and talk about what is going on.  

Ron can see the progress in Harry a little bit more then Draco can but that's only because he is working and doing what he loves. Ron can see Harry become more ok with being a little and not scared all the time. It also feels more comfortable with Ron and Draco around more. 

They have work on their relationship together and to make it stronger. They have started to go on dates, having movie nights, doing things that Harry would like to do, and trying new things. It really helps everyone out and helps build their bond.

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