Chapter 29

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Third-person Pov

Everything was going well for the Malfoy-Weasly family. Harry was finally over his past. Draco and Ron were happy that Harry did not have to worry about his past anymore or not as much. Harry would have his times when he would have flashbacks and everything. The twins love her daddy that was like them. Ron was pregnant again but it was too early to know what it was. Draco was happy because he always wanted a big family. Harry was also happy about this. He wanted to have more kids too but he also liked playing with them. 

James was now living with Sirius and Remus. He misses his best friends and also found some new love with them. They each needed each other more than ever right now. James felt bad for what he did to his son. He left him with his mother who blamed for everything that happens to her only family. He felt bad for not taking Harry with him and raise him and protect him as a father should. James was seeing Severus with all the guilt he had and Remus and Sirius were helping him out too. 

Sirius and Remus moved next to Harry, Ron, and Draco so they could be close to Harry and the twins. James like that and he could see Harry and his grandchildren whenever he wanted too. Remus found out he was pregnant too and was really happy. Since Remus thought he could not carry a child because of being a werewolf but he was proved wrong. Sirius and James were so happy to hear that. They would do anything for Remus so he would not lose this baby. 

Tom and Severus were good too. They were also started their own family at least and would not let anything get in their way. They adopted a little space boy who family did not want because of his classification. They also found out that Severus was pregnant after five months of adopting little John. They were so happy and so was all their friends. John and Harry became good friends and Harry help him out a lot with being a little. 

With the three family being close friends and founding out that they were pregnant together and around the same time. They know they could do this and help each other out. They know that they could handle anything that came their way good or bad. 


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