Chapter 12

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Harry Pov

I was still in mommy's arms and hiding in his neck. I hate apparition. The tightest and the close space reminds me of what mama used to do with me. Mommy was trying to calming me down by rubbing my back and swing side to side. It was helping and I was slowly calming down. Then the door open and poppa was on the other side. I made grabby hands for my poppa (Author). I wanted to be held by him. I have not seen him in a long time and I need my poppa.

"I see someone wants me. Come here my little Har," Poppa said when he picked me up from mommies arms. I cuddle into him and he smelled like food and clean clothes. It helps me calm down more. We all walked into the house and mommy and daddy were talking to poppa while I played with poppa shirt. It was so cool with all the buttons and the different colors.

Then I heard ma voice that just came through the kitchen. I love my ma she makes the best food even better from daddy and mommy. She came into the living room where we were all standing and talking while I was not talking but I was with them. Ma came up to mommy and daddy and kissed them both on the cheek when she came to me and poppa.

"There my little baby. How are you baby?" ma said kissing my cheek and rubbing my back.

"Good, me got scawed when we went pop and was dawk and in a tube. Me did not like that at all ma," I said looking at my ma and then at poppa.

"It's ok. You are with us now Harbear and you can spend time with us tonight and eat yummy food," Poppa said.

"Aww poor baby, I know that it is scary but its the fast way to get me us and this is going to be a fun weekend with us. We are going to do a lot of fun things," Ma said and then pick me up from poppa arms.

We all sit down in the living room. The grown-ups were talking at we got here at four in the afternoon. Mommy wanted to get here early and I miss my nap time. I cuddle into my Ma more and slowly start to go to sleep as they talked. Ma heartbeat and when she talks it makes me relax more and more.

Two hours later

I wake up in someone arms. It does not feel like ma, poppa, mommy, or daddy. There is a lot of voices and they were being loud and they were laughing. I start to move so I can get away from the noise. But there was no way to get away from the noise. I whin loud to let the person holding me that I was and wanted to sleep more. 

"Guys quiet down Har just woke up from you guys," some male said really loud.

"He needs to wake up anyway or he will not sleep tonight," Daddy said far away.

"Sorry Har we did not mean to wake you up," everyone said.

I felt someone rub my back and bouse me up and down. I slowly start to wake up and was sucking on my binkie more as I was. I look who was holding me and it was Bi (Bill). He looked down at me and smile right next to him was Flowew (Fleur). I slowly looked around and saw Charchar (Charlie) talking to Gingin (Ginny). Fweddy(Fred) was talking to Gowey (George) with two giwls I do not know. Pewcy was reading a book two his year old girl.

I look at Charchar and made grabby hands and whin to get him to look at me. He final did and Bi passed me to him. I cuddle into more then Bi. Charchar smells like smoke and dwagons and I love dwagons. Charchar smiled and held me tight. Gingin was cooing on how cute I was and rubbing my back. I was asking Charchar questions about dwagons and how they were doing. I really want to go where Charchar works so I can see one for myself. Maybe I can touch one and maybe talk to it since I can talk to snakes and other things like snakes.

Soon everyone was playing with me and doing magic to keep me happy. I love when my anties and uncles to this to me. Time goes by fast and I love how they do so many different things. Then someone pick me up from the ground and I scream until I saw it was mommy and hug him tight because he scared me. I started to cry because I thought of mama when she did that to me so much and throw me around or just drag me by my arm or leg.

Mommy looks worried and started to go to a quiet room in the house. He was calming me down and saying he was sorry that he did not mean too. Soon daddy came and was hugging mommy from behind and helping too. I know they did not mean to do it but things scare me easily and I get flashbacks too. After I calm down and told mommy that it was ok and that I love him and everything, us three went to the kitchen to eat dinner with everyone.

It was good food and I ate a lot. Daddy and mommy were happy with that and everything. I am still really small and skinny and I need to be a stwong big boy for them. Everyone was laughing and talking. I just listen to them and played with my Pwongs on mommy lap. It was a good day and was sad that it was almost done. Soon we move to the living room and I playing with Charchar, Gingin, Bi, and Flower. We were building things and playing dwagon. It was so much fun until I crawled into Gingin lap and cuddle with her.

I was getting sleepy and I did not know what time it was. I put my thumb in my mouth and suck on it because daddy was my binkie. I grab Pwongs and pulled him close to my chest. Gingin said something to someone and I was moved to someone. I looked up and saw it was daddy. I cuddle deep into him and felt him pull my thumb out and put my binkie in. He raps me in a blanket and rubs my back helping me to fall asleep.

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