Chapter two

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Chapter 2

The surprise guests

Draco Pov

I had Harry in my arms after I calmcalmed him down. He was very cuddly now and wanted some daddy time. Not saying that Redon is not isn't a good boyfriend or mommy to Harry but he likes to spend sometimesome time alone with us each.

So I take Harbear to the playroom in our big house. He as comesHe came to like the playroom and the quiet room a lot and that seems to be helping him a whole lot from what as happenwhat happened to him. Plus is he is only five foot tall so he is around sizearound the size of a little kid to me and Redon. We are both over six feetoot tall ourselves. I sat on the ground as Harry walks to all his toys. He still has his Prongs in his arm as he always as has it and if he does not it's a bad day sure to happen. doesn't

, we had better find it quickly. Harry has come a long way in his recovery but still has a long way to come. We still can't have a lot of people over or go to other people housespeople's houses because he is still prone going to have a meltdown. In his mind, he is reliving what his god awful mother did to him two years after leaving Hogwarts.

HarHarry picks put out a toy drum and drags it to me and sits on my lap and starts banging on it. He smiles as he is babbling to himself. I smile and move his wild raven hair out of his eyes. He is so cute and everythingand adorable. I wish our children will love him. Plus he is the most subsubmissive in our relationship and the little. He cantscan't bear our kids because of being a little but he can still help raise them but Redon can since he is a the sub-dom of us.

As he plays I hear the door opening a then close and I wonder who is hearing arriving. I look at my phone to see if anyone has texted me and is if see that Redon send me a text. Raven is still playing on his drums and laughing and giggling the whole time. I see that Remus as texedtexted me saying that he and Sirius are coming over and they want to see their godson. I smile at this. They are the closest thing my little raven has to parents and had helped us our first month of having HarHarry back. They know about what happenhappened, but they could not take him to live with them because Lily would say Harry did this to himself and that they can't take away her son from her. I thought it was stupid and everything but I am just glad I have my little man now. I turnturned around to see Remus sitting next to me and watching Harry play on his drums.

Harry Pov

I turn to look at daddy to make sure he was watching me when I saw uncle Moony sitting next to daddy. I got up from daddydaddy's lap and run to Moony and gave him a big hug and cuddle into his neck.

"Hey, cub! How are you doing?" Moony asked me.

"Me is doing good but daddy scared me," I said pointing at daddy. Moony look at daddy with an evil look. He whispers in my ear that we will get him back with uncle Padfoot help "Don't worry pup, we'll get him back with padfoots help." I smile and stick my tongue out at daddy.

I love mommy and daddy so much and uncle Moony and Padfoot. They are always there for me and help me out. I cuddle into Moony as he talks to daddy. I play with his fingers and his shirt. He is so cozy and warm. Then next thing I know I am being picked up and I put my head on his shoulder.

publish on 1/14/19

edited on 10/11/19

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