Chapter 20

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The Happy Family Again

Ron pov

I was having a good sleep and dream about me, Harry, and Draco, and our kids. It was all so peaceful. Then I felt something on my face in real life but I push it off because it could just be Harry moving or trying to wake me and Draco will handle it. I was not too worry about it. 

Then I felt something tickle my nose and face.  At first, it was a soft tickle then it keeps getting stronger and stronger as time passes. I started to slowly wake up. I move my hand in front of my face to move whatever was tickling my face away. Then I felt something cold and soft on my face and then I heard someone giggling. I woke up to see Harry a giggling mess. 

I look at Draco and I see he is holding in laughing at me but he also gives me a look that tells me he did not come up with this plan what so ever. I had to see what was this cold soft stuff on my face so I look down at my hand to see shaving scream. 

I looked at Harry with a mad face and then went to grab him from where he was. Harry looked scared because he knew he did wrong but I was not really mad at him I just was happy that my baby was back to himself and still wanted to be with me and Draco. 

"So you think you can play a prank on my you little monster," I said to Harry as I hold him tight.  Harry giggled at me and try to get out of my hold of him but I would not let go of him. Soon Draco came over to us and was tickling Harry and me. 

Third-person pov

It was a good rest of the morning. Harry was slowly getting back into his routine with Ron and Draco. They spent the day together in the garden.  Draco and Harry flew on brooms around the land. The boys did not trave very high in the sky because of Harry being in little space and the risk of him falling. Harry was having so much fun with both of them.

 But all good times must come to an end. Fate does not like everything to be happy all the time. Fate thinks bad things is a blessing sometimes in one life time. And it was about to time to having a awful thing happen to Ron. You see Lady magic thought it was too soon for Ron and Draco and Harry to have a real baby. Lady magic knew of broken Harry was and they needed to fouse on him right now in time then a child. 

As the three enjoy the day with each other and try to get back to normal. But they have not tough Harry deepest problems yet and the wrost as not come yet either. You see two people who are the fear poor little Harry heart and mind are about to show themselfs and take take what is theirs to keep.

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