Chapter five

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Mind healer

Harry POV
It's been a couple of days since my last fit of nightmares and Red and Dray have helped me out a lot. I am still getting used being a little and dealing with it but today I have to go to my weekly mind healer appointment to make sure everything is ok and my medication is still working for me.

I get in my big kid clothes and sat back on the bed. Red and Dray are somewhere and I am here in our room by myself. I look at myself and was get to mentally ready for this appointment.
I still don't like going to go see doctors at all. They creep me out even through Dray is one. I finally talk myself to calm down a little and made my way downstairs to meet Dray and Red.
I enter the kitchen to see them both looking at something on Ron phone. Dray was hugging Ron from behind and they were both smiling like crazy. 

I felt like I was holding them back from being together without me. I felt like it was my fault for putting them into my mess. I mean my dad left because of me and mom beat me because I killed her family. Everything is my fault. Then I felt two sets of strong arms around me. 

"Now little one why are you crying?" Dray asked.

"It's nothing ok just let me go. I don't want to go to the doctor today," I said trying to get out of their arms. I started to cry and could feel tears running down my face. 

"Little one you need to calm down ok. You are stressing yourself out. Take a deep breath in and out ok. Can you do that for me," Dray said in my ear and was holding me tight. Ron moved in front of me and was taking a deep breath with me. "Good boy! Did you take your meds for the morning yet hun?" 

I shook my head no and look down. Ron left my head up and smile at me. "Its ok Dray go get them for me and then we can leave," Ron said as he was rubbing my cheek with his thumb. It calms me down right away. Dray came back and gave me my meds and I took them. Then we got in the car and head to Dray hospital.

We made it there and we all got out. They each held my hand and we walk in together. Me and Ron sat down and Dray checks us in. Ron gave me his phone and I play 2048 bricks on his phone until we got called to my doctor. 

"Harry we are ready for you," the nurse said. 

We got up and I handed Red his phone back. Dray was talking to the nurse as she was taking my height, weight, blood presser and temp. She walk us to our room and told us that the doctor will be in soon. Dray checks me all in and we waited. I was getting fidgety so Dray moves into his lap and I cuddle into him. 

The door open and Dr. Snape came in and smiled at us. Snape got his healer degree and quit being a teacher to become a healer. He sat on a stool and look at all of us. "Harry, how are you feeling today," 

"I'm ok," I said quietly. 

"He had a fit this morning. But we use our breathing methods to calm us down right," Ron said smiling at me and I nodded. "He had four nightmares this week but other than that he was good as we think," 

Snape keep asking daddy and mommy questions and I was slowly slipping into my headspace. I put my thumb in my mouth and cuddle deeper into daddy. He started to rub my back and looked at me a couple of times. 

"Harry, can you tell me why you had a fit this morning," Dr. Snape asked with a small smile.

"I with mommy and daddy I feel like a twouble some to hem. They seem so pwefekt for each othew. They dont need me to hold them back. I said getting up from daddy lap and moving into the connor. I pulled my knees to my chest and set my head on them.

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