Chapter Four

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The nightmare 

Harry dream Pov

I was in bed with my thin blanket on over me. I hope mama is not going to send any men to me tonight. I am tired of being a toy to her and I know she is trying to kill me slowly. I hide in the corner of the wall where my bed is. Hoping no one will come. But I know they will come. 

I hear the door open and hear footsteps coming to me. The blanket is rip off me. Someone rolls me to my back I am tied to the bed and a ball gag is put in my mouth. I am scared half to death. I hate when this happens to me and everything. He goes inside of me and I want to scream but I cant. I feel pain running through me and everything. 

I wake up and see the man as gone but his condom is on the floor with the other. The door is open again and I see mama in the doorway piss off. She comes at me and starts hitting me and yelling at me. I could not make out what it was but I feel pain all over.


I hear Harry screaming in his sleep and rolling around. I look at Dray and see he is awake. I hate that my baby boy is reliving another nightmare. I want to know what is going through his mind. Harry final sit up in bed crying his eyes out. He looks at me and climbs in my lap. I hold him and rub his back. 

I know this is hard for him. The abuse he as been through and that we know of. Dray get up and go gets his potion for his panic attack and to help him sleep. So far the magic way his working but Hermione thinks it will not last forever. She really wants us to go see someone for Harry to talk to. 

I hold my baby and let him cry on me. He final calm down, He cuddles close to me and puts his thumb in his mouth as he is going really little. I know at this point he will not talk to us. I sit up against the bed board and rap his blanket around him. I hum a tune to him as I still feel tears running down his face. 

Dray comes in with two sippy cups in his hand. which holds the potion in it. We both know that Harry gets really little after a nightmare and will not take his medicine. Hermione learns of a muggle slippy cup that we can hide it in so Harry will take it. 

"Daddy," Harry said as he lifts his arms and makes grappy hands

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"Daddy," Harry said as he lifts his arms and makes grappy hands. Dray passes me the cups and he picks up Harry. Harry cuddles into him and Dray is swaying side to side which is making Harry calm down even more. 

I get up and hand Dray one of the sippy cups and he brings it up to his mouth. Harry takes the cup and drinks it all then I hand him the other one and Harry drinks all of that. He gives a big yawn and I tickle his tummy as Dray is cocing on how cute he is. Harry smiles at us and cuddles deeper into Dray's chest. 

I get back into bed. As I am tired and it's not my baby fault. I feel someone small cuddle to me and snuggle under my arm. Then I feel the blanket pulled over me and then a kiss on my head. Then I feel the bed dip and an arm wrap around me. "I love you too. Good night and sweet dreams" then I left the dream world take me.

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