Chapter 14

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Ron Pov
After about an hour later and I finally calm down. Me and Draco went to go downstairs. Harry was on Cissy lap and Lucius was reading Harry a book. It was so cute and Adorable. I stood at the doorway watching them. Draco came behind me and gave me a backward hug.

I know this is moving fast but sometimes life is that. I need to get over it. I am pregnant and I am not giving up on my baby. I don't care if my family does not like it but I am going to have a baby and everything. I just hope Harry will be happy with having a son.

I finally sat down and got something to eat. As I was eating and watching Harry talking to and playing with Cissy and Lucius. Final after I got done eating and was helping pick up the table and helping mom out. Harry looked at me and made grabby hands at me. I wanted over to him and pick him up. I miss having the morning with my boy. 

We first found out that Harry liked having a morning full of cuddles and love. He needed some quiet time with me or Draco to know that we are always there for him. This did not care much even if mine or Draco parents wanted to spend some time with him in the morning he would always want me or Draco to hold him and spend time with us. But most of the time it was just me because of Draco work schedule. 

So I sat Harry on the counter and started washing the dishes the muggle way. Harry always like playing with the bubbles and helping me with the dishes. Mom and Cissy were making food for the family picnic this afternoon. Harry was still in his PJs and is very clingy. I just hope this will be a good day. 

Later in the day.

I got Harry dress in some jeans and a nice shirt. I also put him in Draco sweatshirt because it is really windy outside and I know Harry gets cold really easy. I pick him up and we head outside. All my sibling and Dracos are all here. We walk out the door and Harry wanted down so I put him down and watch him run to everyone. 

I walk over to Nichole and started talking to her. She is like a sister to me and I tell you about my life. I am going to tell her about me being pregnant and see how she will react. I hope she takes it will and help me feel better when I tell everyone later. 

"Hey Nikki, how are you?" I asked her when I hugged her.

"Oh Ron, I am good and you?" she said. 

"I guess good. I need to tell you something and I also need your opponent," I said looking at her and around us. There were not many people around us and They could not hear us. 

"What is it you wanted to talk about Ron?" Nichole asked. She looked worried and everything.

"I'm pregnant and I do not know  how to tell everyone and tell Harry?" I said looking down and in a small voice.

"Omg! Are you joking with me right now?" Nichole said looking at me and then around to see if anyone heard her.

"No, I am not joking. I am pregnant and Draco knows and we are both kinda scared on what will happen with Harry and both our families. I am scared. We did not mean to let this happen but it did and I do not regret it at all," I said looking at her and showing her that I am not lying or joking around. 

"I am so happy for you. I did not see this happening so soon. I thought you would wait for two more years. But everything is going to be ok. I am so happy for you and Draco. You two will make great parents. How you raise Harry and making sure he is ok all the time. You got this. I bet the whole family will be happy too. It happens to everyone," She said and gave me another hug. 

We talk about other things as we watching Harry play around and everyone getting along. Bills and Fleur son was playing with tag with Harry and Ginny. Everyone else was talking and laughing. It was good to see everyone together again. 

When it was time to eat. I made up my mind to tell everyone the good news. I pick up Harry and pulled Draco close to me. I whispered to him that I was going to tell everyone the good news. He smiled at me and held me close and he kissed Harbears head.

"Hey, Everyone I would like to tell you something. I have good news. I am pregnant with a child," I said very loudly so everyone would hear. Harry looked at us with a confused look. Everyone else was shocked and was quiet for a long time. Then my mom finally came running to me and then gave me a hug. She was so happy for us and everything. Then everyone else started to come to us and telling us how happy they were of us and wish us luck. Soon we have to explain to Harry want this means and if he will be ok with this. We will also have to tell him when he is in normal headspace too.

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