Chapter 22

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I want to warn you guys this is going to be smut and it's going to have BDSM things with it. So if you do not want to read it then you can skip this chapter.

Draco Pov

Ron as been a little bit needier lately and I have not given him the attention he needs right now. So I have a little plan up my sleeve to make him and I a bit happier.

I just put harry in his crib in his little room because he was in a very small little space like a one-year-old and I was planning on making love with Ron and I did not want Harry in there. I kissed his head and told him I love him. Then I shut off his lights and turn on his night light on and the charm that will alert me or Ron if Harbear is having a nightmare or needs a nappy change.

I headed back to mine and Ron's bedroom. I see Ron laying in the bed watching TV. But he was wearing really tight black booty shorts that say sexy on the butt. Also, I could see a tint of a butt plug in him. I could feel myself get a little harder because of that. Also, he is wearing a pink crop top that says, baby.

I'm just looking at him and thinking about what I am going to him. Then I have an idea. I walk into the room and go to our closet and get out silks to tie him up, a cock lock, and a ball gag because I want him to be quiet even if I put a silent spell on the room. I feel like he would break it because of how sensitive he is right now.

I bring them out and I see Ron looking at me. His blue eyes look wide but also had a tint of lust in them. I smirk at that and get everything ready.

"What are you planning on doing to me, sir?" Ron said rolling on his stomach with his feet in the air.

"Oh, you see my little boy. Now come to me and kiss me like the good boy you are," I said while standing next to the bed. Ron gets up and walks to me. He getting really close to me and kiss me on the lips. His lips are so soft and tinder. I pulled him closer to me and started to grind on him.

I deepen the kiss and tasted his month. It tasted so good and I loved that I made him moan and moved his arms around my neck. I move my hands down his silky skin to his butt. I squeeze his butt cheeks and making him moan and I could feel the butt plug in him.

I pick him up and move him to the bed. I kissed down his neck and down his body. I took off his crop top and booty shorts. Ron was moaning loudly and dig his nails down my back. I love hearing Ron moaning and scratching my back. I pulled out the seven-inch butt plug out of him slowly as kiss his lips.

I stop kissing his body and looked him in the eyes as I put my finger in his butt hole. I watch his face turn from pain then turn pleasure just by my finger. I was just getting hard watching him again. I add another finger to him and was pumping in and out him to stretch him out.

I was at the point where Ron was all stretch out with my four fingers so I pulled them out of them. He moaned when I did that and also gave him a little whin when he felt empty. I smirk when he did that. I lean forward and kiss his sweet lips and then kissed all the way down to his ear.

"Be patient little boy it will come soon," I said as I got out the silk from the side table to tie his hands on the bedpost and his legs. His cock is rock hard and is leaking with pre-cum. I then put the cock lock on him a little to tight for him but I wanted to make sure he did not cum too early. Then last but not least I grabbed the ball gag for him. He came me a sad look but he knows what to do. He opens his mouth so I can put it on him.

Then I move back down his body to his hole. I line myself up with my eight inches wide cock and push into him with all my might. I did not give him any time to get used to my size and already pulled back and just in back in over and over and over again. I went harder and with more force. Ron was moaning and so was I.

I could tell Ron could not hold it any longer without getting him hurt. I was about to in three more thrusts and I was going to cum. So I got the cock lock off of him and we both cum at the same time. Ron moans so loud and was shaking so hard. His load shot on my stomach and his stomach. I shot mine deep inside of him.

I pulled out of him and untied him and took the ball gag out of his mouth. I made sure he was on and everything. Then I went to the bathroom and run a hot bath for him. I pick up Ron from the bed and brought him to the bath and I sit him down. I wash his body and made sure he was nice and relax.

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