Chapter 18

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Third Person Pov

Its been a while before anyone talk. Draco and Ron were scared to talk and did not know where to start. Snape and Tom were just waiting for the boys to talk. Their plan was to let the three boys talk and only come in when they need to be in. They were just there for Harry.

"We are so sorry for not telling you what was going on. I did not know to tell you and I was waiting when you were big to tell you. I know that was wrong to do," Ron said sadly.

Harry's big

"I'm having trouble processing all this even while I'm big. I'm happy but I'm.... well, I'm scared." Harry said looking down and playing with his hands. "Will you still love me since you'll have a real baby." He mumbled trying to hold back tears.

"We will always love you Harbear. You will always be our little baby forever," Draco said looking at Harry and trying to make him better.

"We want a family and kids but we did not want it to happen so soon. All we want is you happy and loved. We fill bad for not tell you and if you need us to explain better please tell us," Ron said holding his little bump.

"But I'm not a real baby. You'll love the real baby and think I'm wired. You won't love me anymore." Harry started to cry obviously fell into his little space. Severus held Harry close to him but did not say anything. It was not his place to do so. 

"Har looks at mommy please," Ron said kneeling in front of Harry. Harry just whimpered to scared to look up and see the rejection he believed to be coming. "Baby please look at me. Mommy is going to tell you something really important,"

"NO! I WANT TO LIVE WITH UNCLE SNAPE AND UNCLE TOM!" Harry cried out. Ron run out of the room when Harry said that. He could not believe that his little boyfriend would not want him anymore or want to have a child with them. Draco stayed and know how to handle this. 

Tom and Severus were shocked. They did not see this coming. Tom moved a little away from Harry. As Severus moved Harry from his lap to sit on the couch by himself. They both hoped this would work and everything. They were just here to help out when needed. They were not there to make take Harry away from the boys. The boys needed Harry as much as Harry needed the boys. They just hoped this will work out as they watch this all go down,

"Harry does not yell you know better to do that," Draco said in a dom daddy voice.

Harry whimpered and started to cry harder. He was scared and just wanted his uncle snape to help make the fear stop. To make him feel better. Mommy didn't love him anymore and now he made daddy mad. They definitely wouldn't love him now. He needed his uncle snape.

"Harry do you know what happens to a real baby when it grows up?" Draco asked in is calm daddy voice. He knows that this will help Harry out a lot. He needs Harry to talk to him and trust him a little bit. done

"Need uncle snape." Harry cried. "I don't want to be a big boy it hurts." Huge tears run down his face as he looked up at Draco. Draco walks up to Harry and uses his thumb to whip away his tears.

"To answer to my question is real baby grow up. They do not stay babies forever. So you are ours forever baby. I love you no matter what. I miss your smile and laugh. I miss you! You are my baby boy. I love spending time with you. You know mommy loves you but right now he is a little moody like you get when you did not sleep good or when you do not have your way," Draco said still in his calm daddy voice as he tickles Harry's tummy. done

Harry laughs because it tickles but He still thinks that his mommy and daddy might change there mind. But for now, daddy said they love him so he'll believe his daddy.

"Do you want to find mommy with me so we can make him feel better or do you want to talk more and do you want prongs and flames?" Draco asked still whipping tears way. done

"Can we talk mowe plea and can I have pwongs and flames plea," Harry said. Draco got his wand out and did a spell to get prongs and flames to Harry. Harry hugged them so tightly. He had miss his two best friends in the whole wide world. At this time also Tom and Severus left the two of them alone to talk more. They were worried about Ron right now and they wanted to make sure he was ok. 

Draco and Harry talked about the baby and how things would go for them. Harry asked a lot of questions and seem to be feeling about having a real baby. Harry did trust that daddy and mommy loved him a lot and nothing would change that but this new change was different. But it was going to be ok. This was a good different. Harry got into Draco lap and keep talking about the baby. 

Tom and Severus did find Ron and was trying to calm him down. This was not good for the baby or him right now.  They talked to him what was going on in Harry's head and why he felt like that also they were telling him how Draco was working with Harry to better understand this and why he was not up here yet to check on him. But as a daddy dom they little come first then the sub mate does. Both of them were for him now until Draco and Harry come up to him.

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