Chapter eleven

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Ron Pov

The rest of the week went great. Harry was worried about me because I keep getting morning sickness but its normal for what stage I am at. I have not told my parents or Draco parents yet. I think they will think something is weird when we leave today. 

Harry also have been very clingy to me. I think it because he knows something is going to change and it is but we are going to get through this together. Also, Draco as been working at home a lot more and watching over me. We moved Harry crib into our room so he can be close to me at all times. Harry as been wanting to sleep in his crib more then every that was another reason to move the crib. 

Right now Harry is taking a nap in his crib and I am packing while Draco on a house visit. Its been a quiet day but I have gotten sick a lot today. Harry is being really cute while he sleeps while he is sucking on his dummy. While his green blanket is over his head. His arms around his stuff deer Prongs and his stuff snake called mama. 

I finished packing for Harry which is not that hard to do. All I have to pack is his medicine, enough nappies for a weekend, his set of dummies that he likes, his pants, shorts, t-shirts, hoodies, and his favorite clock that he got from Tom. Which he should be there also with Severus and their little boy Lincoln. He is four years old and is so cute. 

I am what our baby will be or if we are going to have more then one. What will he look like and will he be ok with one of his dads acting like a little? All these thoughts are going through my head. I want my baby life to be happy and healthy and loved no matter what. I also want a big family, I mean I am six out of seven kids and Draco is the middle child of three and Harry is an only child. I want his baby to know what a big family is. 

I just got all my clothes laid out when I heard Harry screaming and rolling around. He was having a nightmare again and its been a long time. I watch him and I just wanted to wake him up but I knew I could not. Then he sits up crying and looking around. I grab his glasses and put them back on his face. Then he looks at me and made grabby hands with his tear stan face and he was still crying. 

I pick him up and walk us to his little room. I sat in the rocking chair and rock us back and forth.  I held him close to me and rub his back. Harry was holding on tight to my shirt and his head on my chest. I sang a twinkle twinkle little star to him. After around fifteen minutes he final calm down. Harry looked at me with his face wet from him crying. I took his blanket that I grab when I pick him up and whip his tears away. I kissed his forehead then his nose. 

Harry smiled a little bit and cuddle back into me. We sat there for a good time. Just relaxing and cuddle with each other. I like having mommy time and I can't wait to have it with more kids and have Harry playing with them. Having noise full of our big house in New Deer Scotland. We have a lot of lands and have a magic board so the muggles could not tell just walk in on us doing magic. I pull out my wand and Accio my phone and to make a bottle for Harry. I warm it for him and gave it to him and he sucked on it. 

Draco came home and walked into where we were. He looks at us and smiled and walked over to us. He picks up Harry who was still drinking his bottle and cuddle to Draco. 

"He had a nightmare when I was packing our bags. I just got him to calm down. I think it was a pretty bad one.," I said as Draco was swing side to side. 

"He as not had one in two weeks. I bet it was bad. Did you give him his meds?" Draco asked looking at Harry.

"No, I just got them packed in our bag to leave for my parents us tonight. Remember we have to be there by six o'clock tonight and it three already," I snap at Draco. Then I just realized what I said and looked down. 

"It's ok, me and Harry will pack the rest won't we little man," Draco said and Harry giggled and nodded yes. I smiled and got up and went to the kitchen to get me some food. 

An hour later we were all ready to leave. Harry was holding tight to Draco as we were going to apparition to my parent's house and Harry does not like apparitions. Everything was stuck and put in our pockets and I grab on to Draco and us apparition to my parent's house. 

We landed in a field right outside of my house and Harry was shaking and crying. We stood there for a good ten minutes for Harry to calm down. We walk to my old home and knock on the door. 

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