Chapter 17

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Snape Pov 7 am

Harry was sleeping in our room in a crib that we transform into a crib in our room. It was a long night with nightmares and waking up and not finding his mommy and daddy around and then having a full meltdown. Tom and got very little sleep but we had a lot of time talking about what would be best for harry right now.  But right now he is sound a little for about two hours and we both want him to stay like that for as long as we can. 

We thought to have Har with us for a while until he fulling trust the boys. Tom told what the boys said and what he thought about it. Also, we still have weekly appointments to see me and everything why did they not ask me about it and then we would have talked about it together. I would have helped them out no matter what. I do not know what is running through their minds but they were not thinking I think. 

"What time are the boys coming over?" I ask with my eyes still close laying in bed. 

"I told them I would owl them when Harry wakes up and is ready and we are ready for them," Tom said pulling me close to him. 

"Okay, that is good to know. I am still tired and what to sleep still," I said snuggling more into my Tom. He pulled me closer and rub my back. 

"Sleep. You spent most of our time with Har. you both need sleep now. I will make some food for you too when you wake up," Tom whispered to me that send me to sleep. 

Four hours later 11 am Everyone is here in the living room

I held Har on my lap and Tom was on my left sitting on a couch. Draco and Ron were facing us on the other couch. They both looked sad and has been crying. They also had dark circles around their eyes and look sad and depressed. I know this is going to be a long meeting about everything. 

Harry is sitting on my lap shaking a little bit and would not look at Draco or Ron. He was really not looking at anyone. He was holding a stuffed bunny really close to him. As Ron was holding Harry stuff deer and dragon in his lap to give to Har. Also, they packet a bag of Harry things just in cased Harry to stay with us. 

I did talk to them before we brought Harry into this. They feel so bad and they realize that they did wrong and they feel it in the bond they have as mates and they want to fix it any way they can. But we also need to know put too much stress on Ron since he is three months pregnant.  I do trust these boys but I know they did make a mistake and they know they need to fix and they want to fix it. 

I have no idea how to fix this and if Harry wants this to be fixed. This is all riding on Harry and if he wants or not. I hope he does. He needs them and they need him. I would love to watch Harry and be there for him but I do not think me and Tom are the best fit for him and I also think no one else is either. 

Sorry, this is short. I do not know where I was going with this and I thought I had an idea but they did not. Also, I have a job so I will try to update in the morning during the week or the weekend. 

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