Chapter 1

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Hello new readers and returning readers. I'm very upset that I have to make this note but at this point it has upset me so much that I feel it necessary.

1. I KNOW that an older woman calling a younger man OPPA in S. Korea is not normal.

2. Occasionally it can be used as a term of endearment regardless of age (not typically but it can). This is how it is used in this situation.

3. In ALL of my stories,  the female lead is older, that's just how I write because it's easier for me to write in the POV since I'm older.

4. It's a fictional story. I could have the men calling women Oppa if I wanted to because it's my story. So please stop trying to correct me on this.

5. I still love you all.

~ Jagi ❤️


16 Missed Calls 'JeaBum Oppa'

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself as I took my phone out of my purse. It had been vibrating for almost an hour as I was helping a client out. Once I saw that it was JaeBum I started to get a little nervous.



"Yah! JaeBum Oppa, I'm at work, why are you blowing up my phone?"

"You're not alone at work today are you?"

"No, why?"

"Oh thank god." he said sighing in relief.

"Oppa, what's going on...what's wrong?"

"Just call me when you leave work, and then call me when you get home. I'm coming over....we need to talk."

"About what?" I asked as I was going through my desk.

"Just....just go straight home, I'll be there when you get there."

"You're starting to freak me everyone okay? Is it Yogyeom? Is he okay?"

"Yeomie is one is hurt or in trouble there is just...uh...Noona, you can't smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"The other pack..."

My heart started to race...there was another pack around? wonder he's worried. I sighed, my safety really isnt his concern...unfortunately. "No, I'm in my office. JaeBum Oppa, I know we are best friends...and I love you...but I'm not part of your pack...It's your responsibility to take care of your own brothers and Luna...I'm just your friend."

"The hell, Noona? Have I ever...have we ever treated you as just another wolf?"

"No but JaeBum you know I'm right and don't you dare try to argue with me." I replied as sternly as possible. "As much as I want to be with you and the rest of my little ones, you know I cant. The Moon Goddess has other plans for me....I guess."

After a few moments of silence, he spoke again. "I'll see you when you get safe."

And the line went dead.

I sighed to myself. He's so god damn stubborn. The rest of the day went by rather slow, and my nerves started to get to me. Another pack is near? Are they passing through? Surely they wont try to challenge GOT7 for their territory...they've been peaceful...and their land isn't that big anyways.

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