Chapter 12

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I woke up to a soft caress against the skin of my back. Light touches tickled me making me giggle and then I moved my face further into my pillow. I heard a deep husky chuckle, then a voice.

"Good morning."

I groaned turning my face towards him and opening one eye. He was smiling, and his dimples were so deep it made me smile as well. "Good morning Alpha."

He lowered his face and placed a kiss on my exposed cheek. "Did I wake you up too early?"

"Mmmmmmm-no." I sighed. "Do we have to get up though?"

"Not if you don't want to. Besides, the hooligans are up, and I don't want to share you yet."

He laid down next to me wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me close. He kissed me softly once on my forehead then on my nose, and then again on my lips. I pushed mine further into his and hummed in content.

"I love kissing you." I admitted once I pulled back.

"I love kissing you too." He smiled slowly moving kissing down my neck. "Your skin is so sweet."

He moved our bodies to where he was hovering over me and his lips continued to place gentle kisses meeting my collar bone. I had closed my eyes and focused on his deliciously burning touch. He was gentle, and slow, and he took his time placing each kiss against my skin with precision.

When he reached my collar bone he moved his kissing across my chest and to my shoulder, then down my arm until he pulled my hand up kissing each finger. Moving his lips to my abdomen, he pulled my tank top up just enough to expose my naval to him. He kissed me hip bone to hip bone allowing his lips to move up even further, his hands pushing my tank top stopping below my breasts. His lips were just as soft, and every now and then a small peck would cause me to jerk as it tickled me, but I really didn't want him to stop. 

He reached just below my breast and his kiss lingered momentarily before moving his lips again, this time placing one kiss below my naval, then a last one above my naval. He moved to face me and his fingers brushed through my hair his hand cupping my face. I leaned into it feeling completely relaxed and at peace.

"You are so gentle." I complimented him. I mirrored his act and ran my own fingers through his thick hair. "How did I get so lucky to be mated with a man like you? So kind and gentle."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. "You like gentle?"

"I do." I breathed against his lips.

He kissed my neck a few times and moved his lips down to my chest. When he got to the hem of my tank top he took the top of it in his teeth pulling back and letting it snap against my skin. "I'm as rough as I am gentle baby. You'll do good to remember that." He growled on my skin then licking a stripe up my neck.

The transition between his actions, his words, and then his tongue, was so quick it took me by surprise. I let out a gasp and when his tongue pulled from my body I actually missed it. When I opened my eyes I saw his face above mine once again, his lips twisted in a smug smirk.

I bit my bottom lip trying to hide my smile. "I like rough." I whispered to him looking into his eyes.

His eye brow arched and he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by his bedroom door swinging open. Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung all barged in all yelling in what seemed to be a vehicle argument.

NamJoon's eyes went wide in shock before he rolled over off of me and leaned up glaring at them with a harsh look. I couldn't help myself, these boys were too much, I started laughing at the hysterical moment pulling the sheets up trying to muffle my laugher. I think I was actually starting to get used to their constant butting in, and I think NamJoon was getting used to my nonchalance.

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