Chapter 5

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As the door closed I followed and pressed my forehead against it. My palms mirrored the action and I pressed my entire body up against the door missing her presence already. She was outstanding. She seemed relaxed with the chaos that is my pack, and not only that, she's a Pearl. She's my Pearl, my Luna. Tears started to form in my eyes...all the times I missed her that I didn't even know about come hurdling towards me in a wave of anguish. Oh god...her scent is starting to fade away. My inner wolf howled at me to walk her home...but I needed to pull back and gain a clear mind.

I started to breath deep trying to calm my heart, then I realized I wasn't alone.

"What do you want Jin?"

"I'm just checking on you. Your mate sure is a beauty."

"She's stunning." I replied. And she heart wouldn't stop beating since we got back to this town, and now I knew why. It was her.

"She is." He said from behind me. I didn't move but he came a few steps closer. "You're taking her out on a fancy date I hear?"

I still didn't move. "You're so god damn nosey Jin."

"I suggest wearing your black and gray suit. That way whatever color she ends up wearing you will match."

"Thank's hyung." I said into the door.

He stepped even closer now placing his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I fell like I abandoned her, Jin."

"What do you mean?" He asked now leaning back on the door right next to me.

"How long have we been gone? She's older than me Jin. As soon as I hit my maturity I would have found her Had we. It left...I wouldn't have been lonely...SHE woldnt have been lonely." I slammed both my fists against the door making him jump. "Fuck! All because I didn't want to see that fucking old man, I stayed away. I stayed away from this territory, I stayed away from the people, and I stayed away from my responsibilities." I took a deep breath and let it out in a shuttered sigh. "I stayed away from her, from my partner, my mate! How could I do that?!"

"Come on dude." He said leaning closer to me. "No one wanted to come here while he was still alive. None of us. This isn't just on you."

"God...I miss her. I've been missing her for years and never knew is that possible. How can you miss someone you never new?"

"The Moon Goddess has her reasons." He said. "Look and Jungkook and I. Teacher and student? How cliché." I turned to him and I saw him smile. "Now l couldn't imagine my life without him."

"Did you feel like you missed him?"

"I think it's different for everyone honestly. If that's how you feel, then it seems to me maybe your bond is stronger than those who surround you. Especially her being a Pearl. You'd be...what do they call...oh a power couple."

I scoffed a laugh letting my hands fall but still leaning on the door with my forehead. "Power couple."

"Exactly." He smiled. "You're going to pick her up in a couple hours." He said pulling me away from the door. "Go shower, I'll give you a quick hair cut when you get out so you're nice and fresh. Then be sure that you bring her a flower. Not a boquet...just one. I have the perfect one to give her."

He shoed me up the stairs. "Alright, alright, I'm going."

"I'll be in your room in 20 minutes to trim your hair."




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