Chapter 21

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I was slumped over Namjoon, my arms and legs weak from the activities. His arms were wrapped around me and he was sitting back on his heels. His right hand softly ran up and down my back soothing me.

The ceremony was not over.

He started to lightly kiss on my neck and I groaned at the feeling. His kisses were slow and soft moving down to my shoulder. Once he noticed I was more focused, he moved us and laid me down softly onto the blanket he had put down on the grass before I came out. When my back hit the blanket I whimpered not wanting to be so far from him.

He comforted me and kept his body close to mine as he knelt over me. He continued to kiss me down my chest and over between my breasts to my stomach, topping under my naval. He kepted his hands running up an down my sides caressing me, comforting me. I locked eyes with him, and I took a few deep breaths and nodded to him to move on with the next step.

He nodded back before leaning up, exposing my nakedness to the pack. He looked up to Yoongi, and reached his hand out. Yoongi placed a stone carved knife in his hand before stepping back in his place.

NamJoon took the sharpened side of the stone and slid it across the palm of his hand. He quickly pressed his bloody palm at my neck gripping just slightly, before dragging his hand down my abdomen, leaving a trail of blood. He stopped when he made it to below my naval pulling his hand from my skin. The trail of blood was a symble that as my alpha, he would die for me. I lifted up a little taking his hand and licking the wound on his palm, sealing it so it would heal.

He handed me the knife and I lifted up even further so that I was parralell with him. I took the stone and used it to slice open my left hand, then placing my palm on his right cheek. I dragged my hand down his cheek, down his neck, over his shoulder, and all the way down his harm. It signified, that I as his Luna, would be by his side, through thick and thin. He gently took my hand kissing my wrist before his tongue ran along the cut in my palm, sealing it to heal.

I could already see that his cut was healing, and now we were almost done. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me so that I knelt in front of him. He placed his forehead against mine, lacing the fingers of both of his hands in with mine, holding our hands against his chest. I heard him swallow thickly, and then with a strong booming voice he spoke.

"She is our Luna."

The rest of the pack moved down to their knees and bowed deeply, their foreheads meeting the ground.

To see the 6 other members of the pack bow to me was a sight out of this world. The respect, adoration, and love from each one of them was without hesitation or cooersion. I looked around us, and they all stayed still waiting for my response. I looked back to NamJoon, his hand cupping my face and his thumb caressing my jaw line. The words that followed were more natural than anything else that I had ever said before, and it sent chills through my spine.

"I am your Luna."

Once the words left my mouth there was a loud eruption with cheers and happiness. The ceremony was officially over and each on of the Bangtan Wolfs shifted and howled to the Blood Moon. NamJoon smiled and let out an amused laugh before embracing me in another hug.

As the pack jumped in excitement and circled our still very naked, and bloody bodies, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming excitement surge through my chest. It produced a giggle to slip from my lips and I pulled NamJoon closer to me kissing him with as much passion as I could manage. I let every  feeling I had out into the kiss and he returned it with just as much enthusiasm. This kiss was slightly sloppy and our lips parted and reattached a few times until finally I pulled from him.

The boys were still circling us, but NamJoon moved to whisper in my ear. "I think I need a shower."

"Me too." I whispered back.

He moved to stand, holding on to my hands and helping me to my feet as well. Once we stood the rest of the pack stopped their rough housing and turned to us. NamJoon pulled my back into his chest, and 6 wolves looked at us for instruction.

"Go for your run, be safe, and be back in an hour. I'm sure Jin doesn't want the food to over cook."

I heard a loud exhale through the nose of one of the bigger wolves, as if in agreement. Then the black and white beta, lead the rest of them off into the wooded area in an all out sprint, howling into the night.

When they were gone it was oddly quiet. I leaned back into the warm body of my mate, and a smile spread across my lips. His arms moved up my arms and he moved my hair away from my neck to inspect the mark he made on my neck. He kissed the sore spot tenderly, moving his lips over it a few times before he pulled back.

"How do you feel?"

"Liberated...adored...loved. Like I belong."

He moved his arms from around me and took my shoulder to turn me to face him. His expression was undeniable, the love was clear in his eyes and I could only hope that my eyes mirrored the same.

"You are adored." He smiled. "You are loved, and you do belong.  You belong with me and Bangtan."

I nodded softly and took hold of his hand. "Let's get a shower and take advantage of the hour alone."

He chuckled and took my hand. "They aren't going to be an hour." He said as we started walking into the house.


"Are you kidding? Jin will be worried about the meal, and Jungkook will be concerned that Jin is unhappy, and Kookie doesn't like Jin unhappy unless it's Kookie teasing him. Taehyung is way to excited to have a 'sister' and has wanted one since we were little, so he's going to bombard you will brother-sister activites. Hoseok, is just his own ray of sunshine, always happy, and likes everyone. He will want to ask you a billion questions as he tags along to the activites that Tae is going to have to guys partaking in. Yoongi, has been begging me to look for my mate. He wants to teach the ways of the politics we abide by and the land we own, and what we do for the other smaller packs we help. He wants someone to work with, to trust in. Though he loves Jimin, Yoongi needed his best friend. The Luna and Beta always have a relationship that no one really understands, he wants to explore that relationship as soon as he can."


"Yeah..." he replied.

"What about Jimin?"

"Jimin...." He repeated pausing momentarily as we made our way up the stairs and into his room. He sighed and turned to me before we went into the bathroom for a shower. "Jimin knows things...he seems to know something about you that is really important. I know its only been a few months since we moved here, but as soon as I opened the door with you standing there, he has an abnormally large interest in you. He's also a little more patient than the rest of them." He smiled.

"Yeah Jimin sure is something else." I said walking closer to him. I looked up into his eyes  before I smiled. "What about you?"

"What about me?'

"How do you feel?" I asked him again. "How do you feel about everything that has happened."

He reached his hand up and over the mark I made on his neck, as it was still bleeding slightly. The smile he had on his face never left, and he chuckled.

"I feel like you like me more than I originally thought you did, you bit down so hard and wouldn't let go. I had to make you cum in order for you to release me."

I giggled ad looked down. "I'm sorry."

He lifted my chin back up and he placed a kiss on my lips. "Don't be. It was euphoric...I loved it."

"Me too." I smiled.



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