Chapter 1: Senior Year

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Hi everyone. Just a quick note. I am not a professional writer. I just happened to become obsessed with reading wattpad stories lately that I decided why not make my own story.

Isn't it nice to read some teen love stories from where we learned everything what we know about love and heartaches today. This story will give you that. First love. First kiss. First Heartbreak.

Please don't judge me if some or most of the grammars were incorrect. English is not my first language. Also, I only have limited time writing so i didnt had time to edit. I will try my best the next time.

Thank you and hope you enjoy. 😊

************Freya's POV***********

Its the first day back to school. Finally a senior! All of my friends have been waiting for this moment to happen and its finally here. Last year in high school. My last year to be with my friends of four years since freshmen.

After this year we'll all gonna start with our separate lives for college studying whatever we want to be when we become official adults.

I just finished brushing my teeth when my phone vibrates. Its a text from Des. One of my bestfriends.

Des: what will u be wearing? ;)

Me: the formal one. r u on ur way? :>

Des: nope. gonna be late, as always. he he.  im still waiting for my uniform to be ironed, grandma's doing it. its gonna be a long flag ceremony as always. u? :p

Me: Yeah. gotta go soon, i lived far remember?sister's pissed already waiting for me outside. see ya. :*

Des: see you. gossips later ;*

I smiled as I read her last text. I haven't seen them in 2 months. Gosh! Has it been really two months?

Gossips. Yes, thats what we usually do every morning when we arrived in school. Gossiping about our favourite celebrities, famous students in our school, our teachers or whoever random person we just feel like talking about. I mean we're in highschool what else is there to do on our free time right?

My sister and I took the bus to go to school. Mom decided to stop hiring a private ride for my sister and I eversince Dad came back from Korea. My parents haven't told us anything but I can feel that financially we're struggling.

Dad used to work abroad when a few months ago he said his company went bankrupt that they sent hundreds of employees back home and he's one of them.

Dad's a pretty talented flexible father though. He can be a carpenter, mechanic, driver, and electrician. So never did he once became unemployed. He always finds a way to support our family no matter what. I only have one sister, Deya. We study in the same school. She's a sophomore now. While my mom stays at home as full time housewife.

Dad never wanted my mom to work. I guess so she can keep an eye on me and my sister and kept on telling us not to have boyfriends yet till we finish college.

Yeah. My parents are very strict when it comes to boys. Maybe because they had me out of wedlock so they dont want my sister and I to have the same fate as them. Mom was only 17 and Dad was only 19 back then. Because of me, Mom never went to college anymore. She became a full time mom at a very young age. She even said people gossiped about them and criticized them.

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