Chapter 10: Time to face the music

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"You look lovely honey! Look at you, all grown up. I told you a little haircut will make you even more lovely." Aunt Fely praised as the hairdresser finish cutting my hair.

"Thanks for the treat Aunt Fel. It's a good timing, we have a school program tomorrow. I'm part of the interpretative dance." I thank her.

"Oh. Dancing? How about your singing? Ronnie said you're doing great at your voice lessons. I am so pleased to hear it." she says earnestly.

"Me too. I really am so thankful for all the things youve done for me Aunt Fel." I said

"You're like the daughter I never had Freya darling. Don't mention it. Deya should join us one time. She's a very shy girl isn't she?" she suggested.

"Yeah, she's shy alright." I laugh a little. "She's okay aunt Fel maybe she's not into these things yet, she's still a baby." I answered waving my newly manicured nails and my hair.

Aunt Fel smiled and stood up. "Alright darl, Lets go and grab something to eat before I take you home. I'm famished."

"I would love to." I smiled to her.

Mom wouldnt mind me staying late for as long as I'm with a family. Aunt Fely treats me like her own daughter. Her children are already grown up and are now living abroad. Aunt Fely is a retired professor. She used to teach Psychology. She takes me out once or twice a month and takes me with her to attend some big events. Sometimes she asked me to sing to some of her friends' weddings or birthdays. I never complained. She's very proud of me and it's the least I can do to pay back all her kindness and generosity.


"Someone looks so pretty today!" Glenn exclaimed. Selle and Des looked at me.

"You're blooming girl! That's what being in love does to a person. It makes you bloom does't it?" Des winked at me.

"True Freya. I may need to find a man now so I'll bloom like you too!" Selle added.

"Oh sushhh! Selle. You don't need a man. You're pretty with or without!" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, but its boring though. You know having  no one to talk to at night? Saying I love you and I miss you. Ra ra ra!" she fake a frown.

"As if!!!" The girls and I yelled in unison then we all laughed!


"Interpretative dance will start in an hour, may all the participants get ready and gather at the backstage, now." The Emcee announced.

The girls and I were rushing to finish with our make ups in the girl's dressing room. We are already dressed in our costumes, we chose to wear simple but comfy this year. A  white fitted tank  top for the girls and white V neck shirt for the boys, black jeggings and a red cloth wrap around our waist. One of our teacher who's very good at braiding hair was putting my hair in a donut bun  in a hurry when my phone started to ring. It's Neil.

I pressed ignore. Not now. Im freaking out recalling the dance steps on my mind. I can't talk right now. I shoved my phone back in my bag.

"And now. Let's give it up for group number 4, The Seniors!!" the Emcee announced.

Everyone applaused so loudly. I heard the lower years cheering! Cheering each of our names!

Damn! I'm so nervous! Finger's crossed I won't fall. Please God. Please don't let me fall.

As we individually went to our positions in the stage I quickly glanced at the audience. I spotted my sister. She also is a dancer and was wearing a costume. She's looking at me and gave me a wink then mouthed "YOU CAN DO IT". My sweet baby sissy.

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