Chapter 31: Not like the movies

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I couldnt stop crying so I decided to get up early and get myself ready.
My eyes and lips are so swollen.

I cant help but remember all the things I did with Jo.
I still love him so much but he fooled me.
I cant stay like this.
i cant cry every night because of him.
i have to distract myself.
I need to find myself again.
i have to put the puzzles back where they belong.
you have to be strong again, Freya.
It's not the end of the world.
There's a whole world out there.
You're only 16.
Believe in yourself and you can do it.
My inner goddess is yelling at me.

I looked in the mirror.
I looked at myself and promised not to cry again.
And I will.


"Goodness gracious. Look at your eyes! come on kid! dont tell me you cried all night for the asshole?" jude interrupted me while I was staring at my tea.

"Yeahh i know I look fucked!" i answered bluntly

He burst out laughing.

"I didnt know you cussed? Gee youre really different!" he added still laughing

"Different? like im abnormal or something?" i smile holding myself from joining him to laugh.

for the first time in 3 days post Joseph's cheating scandal I feel like laughing.

"No i mean, you dont pretend. Look at you. You didnt even bother putting make up to cover your eyes. you look like a zombie!" he teased

"I'll take that as a compliment." i winked at him and he laughed even more.

"I didnt know you can be cool."

"Why do you think im only the fussy, prissy girl?"

"actually yeah. like materialistic, mean, bitch kid." he answered

"im a bitch sometimes. look at this." then i made my bitch face which made him laugh harder

"Gee man calm down, youre so loud!" i smck him in the arm.

"Okay okay.. Ive had enough. Gosh! That was good laugh. Alright come one and lets start your tour Madamemoiselle." he stood up from the chair then bowed to me.

I chuckled.

"After you, Sire" i answered and we both chuckled.

As expected the university is massive.
Im tired from walking all day.
We havent even finish the whole uni.
Jude was very understanding as we stopped often for me to have a rest.
He teased me I shoulve worn a runner than my doll shoes.
He asked if I wanted to go to the mall to have dinner and I said yes.

He's still made rude remark but he never left me.
His jokes were funny as.
He's actually fun to be with.
We had good laughs.
He shared to me he's graduating next year as an Architect.

He toured me the next day to the other side of the school we havent been to.
The Music building was closed but at least I know now where to find it.


"Just drop me at the nearest bus station." I asked Jude as we stopped at the red light.

"There's no bus on a sunday here kid." he replied

"Wai, What??? Then where are you taking me then?" I asked

"Home. I thought of staying at Glenn's place this summer. I'll help in the farm. I dont wanna stay alone at my apartment here." he answered

"Oh. Where are your parents? sorry to intrude. You can answer it or not its fine with me." i replied

"No biggie. Ermm. They both are overseas. Nurses in Canada. Im an only child. I used to live with my Aunt here but the place was too crowded for me so when I turned 18 I rented my own place." he narrated

"And how old are you now exactly?" i asked again

"Now you're being nosy." he snap

"Im sorry. I'll stop talking."

"Im joking kid! Chill! Im 21." he answered

"Uhhhh. Okay. No more questions for me then. I'll sleep now" i turned my back on him.

"What sleep? You have to stay awake with me. You dont want us having an accident dont you?"

"What can i do if i feel sleepy then?"

"You can sing for me." he smiled

"What? No."

"you're a singer and I havent heard you sing ever. I saw you on the tv one time but its different when i hear you upfront. Come on kid!"

"arrghh. Fine! I cant sing acapella. Play a song then I'll sing along with it. Something upbeat." i suggested

"Look who's bossy?" he says

"You want me to sing or I'll sleep now?" I snap

"Okay okay!! Gee youre so tiny but you can be scary hey kid?"

I poked my tongue out to annoy him.
he smiled.

🎶Part of me🎶 by katy pery
started to play on the radio.

i started singing along with it but in a funny way.
I was dancing all through out like an idiot.
I was lip singing while acting out every lyrics, banging my head, jumping up and down from my seat.
Jude was laughing so hard!
I was laughing too.
Thats what I did the half of the drive.
I felt tired with my little show to entertain my driver.
I leaned my chair back until I fell asleep.


"Hey kid, You're home." someone whispered sweetly on my ear.

I opened my eyes, and saw Jude holding both of his face with his hands.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled.

"Just making sure I wont get slapped again" he said slowly taking his hands off his face.

I chuckled softly.

"Thank you for the whole trip. I enjoyed my three days stay away from home. Thanks to you." i smiled sweetly then grabbed my bag at the backseat.

"I had a very good time too. Your company isnt bad after all." he smiled back

I poke my tongue out as I climbed out of his car.

I waved him goodbye till his car went out of sight.
I felt better.
For the first time post Joseph I feel happy.
I wanted distraction and I had it.
I thought I cant but I did.
I went inside the house with a smile on my face.
Im moving on, this is a good sign.
I just have to stay away to anything that will remind me of him.
To anything that'll remind me that I still love him.

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