Chapter 30: No Tears Left To Cry

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"Please Mom. I have to enroll this summer. I have nothing to do here anyway so why not start studying instead?" I tried to be as convincing as possible.

"Whats with the sudden change of mind Freya? You know I have work. I couldnt leave Deya alone here when Im working. You said you're only gonna go there this weekend then come back on Monday." mom said

"Yeah. But.... Mom....Fine. How about we go and visit Aunt Sue for like the whole summer?" I sigh in defeat

"Hmm thats not a bad idea. Lets talk about it when you come back on Monday. You sure you're taking the bus?" mom asked

"Yeah. Positive." i answered frowning.

I was so disappointed.
If only I can tell Mom im trying to get away from here, away from my cheater Ex!
I head to my room and start packing my things when my phone vibrated. someone's calling me..
Oh hang on.
Its not him.
He doesnt know my new number.
I quickly fish my phone out of pocket.
It's Glenn.

Glenn: "Hey, Howd you go with your mom?"

Me: Im fucked. She didnt bought it. But im still going tomorrow. I'll be back on Monday though.

Glenn: Your mom's coming with you?

Me: No, just me. Im taking the bus.

Glenn: Bus? are you crazy? Thats 8 hours drive.

Me: Its fine. I need it for distraction.

I heard some people talking in the background.
".... what? I dont..... know.... i'll ask her...."

Glenn: Hey Uhm.. Jude, my cousin is going back to Uni tomorrow he was asking if you can cokme with him since you're going the same place anyway? its fine if you dont.

Me: No, I'll be okay. Thank you though.

"wai... hang  on Jude! give me back my phone!!"

male voice: Hey cutie. What time will I pick you up tomorrow then?

Me: Ex—— Excuse me? Im not coming with you.

Jude: I'll be there at 1pm.

Me: Wai, what?! Hey..

noise in the background...

Glenn: Sorry Freya, Jude is so annoying. what did he said?

Me: He said he'll be here at 1pm?

Glenn: Oh. Shit.

Me: What? Why? Whats wrong?

Glenn: I know Jude. If he said he'll be there expect him he will do it. Look, my cousin is a bit rude but he's actually a nice guy. Im sorry, But I think he has a massive crush on you thats why he just wont stop. Dont worry I'll make sure he wont do anything stupid, I promise you. or else i'll be the one to kill him!

Me: Seriously!?? Okaaaay Fine.. As if I have a choice. I dont like him going here scaring the shit out of my mom tomorrow. Anyways, he's your cousin so thats a big reassurance he wont rape me right?

We both chuckled!

Glenn: No. Jude wont do that. He's a womanizer but he wont force anyone to have sex with him. They were actually the one throwing themselves at him. That's why when he met you, you gave him a challenge. You werent intimidated by his looks. Its funny. Okay okay. Text me tomorrow alright? I loveyou biatch!

Me: He's still an asshole. Kayyy, love you too! Bye.

I hang up.
That Jude is creepy.
But he's my bestfriends cousin.
If he does something to me.
He'll be dead.

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