Chapter 5: Not Always Rainbows

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It's halfway August, we're in the middle of practicing our interpretative dance for the coming inter school competition Independence Day Celebration. Vonne is my partner for this dance. Because of our height similarity, Vonne and I have been dance partners since our freshmen year. Yeap. Vonne, he's the same Vonne who's trying to pursue on dating me for the past 3 years now.

I admire his faithfulness but that's all. I never once did had any special feelings towards him. He's like a brother to me and I made him aware of that. A lot of girls liked him, lower year students had crushes on him. He's pretty cute to be honest.

He's only 5"5 but he has a handsome face, he has a pointed nose and a perfect jaw. I have no clue whay did he liked me so much. No matter how many times I've turned him down he still won't give up on me. He said he's willing to wait till I open my heart for him.

"You're lighter this year." he tried to teased me while  carrying and turning me around with my arms wrap around his neck which was part of the choreography, ofcourse.

I rolled my eyes at him and said " yeap! been trying to lose weight, hoping my cheeks will lose some fats too. who knows?" He giggled, "No chance Freya. Why? What's wrong with your cheeks? Thats what makes you a cutie don't you know?" he teased me again.

"You say the word cutie like im a puppy or a dog?" i sarcastically answered. "No. No.  I mean it's your asset. You have the cutest cheeks among the girls in our class. I've told you that before." he reminded me. "So what? Im a chipmunk now?"  I answered him while I giggled.

Vonne laughed loudly while we were dancing without noticing we were out of the choreography when the dance instructor called our attention. "Hey lovebirds! Stop flirting with each other and pay attention to me first, unless you want to stay here till midnight?" he snapped at me and Vonne.

I blushed and so did Vonne but he shyly smiled so I smacked him lightly on his arm.  I glared at him to correct the dance instructor we're not lovers but he didn't and went to carry on with dancing.

I was about to answer the instructor but was stopped when Vonne pulled me into his arms so fast it made me spin around till I end up toward his chest, his left hand wrapped around my waist while the other was intertwined to my right hand.

His face was so close to mine I can smell his breath then I stare at his eyes while he stared on my lips. Suddenly I heard a loud fake coughing or choking voice from behind us. Joseph, looking disgustedly at me like he was accusing me of doing something I couldn't even figure out. He glared at how Vonne's arms are wrapped around my waist and his other hand holding me.

As I puzzledly stared back at him, I realized how Vonne and I looked like so I let go of Vonne's hands and started straightening my skirt and my blouse to pretend I didn't felt awkward with that dance step we just did. "Just dancing." Vonne slowly said smiling sarcastically at Joseph who just glared at him but did not responded.

Is it just me or things today are becoming more awkward?  Also, why do I feel like Joseph was acting jealous? Strange.

***flashback from a couple of days ago before the dance rehearsals.***

Joseph: Why dont we change dance partners this year?

Glenn: Since when did you mind about having Mae as your partner Jo?

Joseph: nope not that. I just find it unfair that because Mae and I are the tallest in class we always end up being partners in all the dance competitions since freshmen. even on last year's prom!

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