Chapter 20: Going Steady

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Days, weeks, months went by so fast.
It's already the end of November.
It's been 2 months since Jo and I started dating.
We are sweeter more than ever.
Though we agreed about having no PDA in the school grounds.
It was hard but we're surviving.
I go and watch him during his games and tagalong a few parties with him and his teammates.
Only Des, Selle and Glenn knows about us being official in our class.
I think some of the boys too but we didn't mind.

Kim is still obssessing with Jo.
She texts him everyday.
Jo got so annoyed one time and thought of changing his phone number but I said No.
It was so funny watching her doing his best to avoid Kim in class.

I haven't heard from Neil for ages, I guess he finally listened to Jeaf. I hope he finally accepted that there's no way in hell I'll come back to him.
I haven't heard from Zen either.

I, on the other hand, started seeing a talent mentor. One of the prizes of winning the last singing contest I joined was to have a year scholarship at an artists centre. I've been doing some dancing and acting workshops too. I go there every saturday. Most if it, I was with Jo. He waits for me until I finish then we go and stroll somewhere.  We watch movies at the cinema then we always end up going to the beach munching on some of our favorite foods afterwards.

Jo has been bugging me to finally admit our relationship to Mom. We're still debating about it.

Mom has been very cool lately. Ever since Dad left for Australia last month as they needed him urgently at his company. She allows me to go to parties now and staying out late till 11pm. That's my curfew. If Im not home after 11 pm then no more night life for me.

Mom started a part time job last week at a hotel in town as a receptionist and she's night shifter. She will work on the weekends so she can still cooked breakfast and lunch for my sister and I for school during weekdays. She said she's bored at home. I dont think Dad knows about it though I didn't bother to ask her. If it makes her happy then I'm happy too.


It's Friday again.
Everyone was talking about the camping slash outing for tomorrow.
The seniors and the juniors are going to a beach resort  3 hours away for a 2 day-retreat and team building.
It's been so stressful for the past few months in school with all the activities, contests, and exams so Ms Vidal decided to sponsor an outing to give us a little break.
We were asked to bring our own sleeping bags and foods, good for two days while the school faculty will take care of the tents.
There's 120 students coming.
Everyone is excited.
Im excited!
It's my second time camping.
The last time was for the Girl's scout gathering.
But it was boring because we're all girls.

"Do we bring some swimsuits?" Des asked.

we were seated on the bench while watching the guys playing baskteball after class.

"Uhm, what do you think you idiot?. It's a beach resort. You wont like swimming in your track pants right?" Selle answered

Glenn and I giggled.

"I wish we can just check in to one of the rooms though. much comfortable with aircon and all. No mosquitos etc." glenn says

"haha your such a baby glenny. It'll be fun." des answered

I was busy drinking my chocolate drink and was eyeing on my boyfriend playing on the basketball court while there's a group of junior girls in the opposite bench cheering for him then giggling with each other.

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