Chapter 7: Friend of Mine

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I was packing my clothes while my mom lectures on how I should stick to my teacher all the time wherever she goes. Im going to take an extrance examination for 3 days for a famous university 4 hours away from home so my adviser Ms Martinez decided to stay at a transient house for the whole duration of entrance examination since there's 11 of us. Yeap. All the top 10 students of the Senior class are obliged to take the entrance examination. Ms Vidal made it mandatory so we can't say no unless we have a valid excuse as to why. Im talking about the most prominent university in the country.

"You make sure you have enough jacket. It's cold in there and you're a cold frog!" mom continued with her reminders.

"I already have three in my bag. Mom, will you please relax! Im already cramming for this exam. I'll be fine. Im only gonna be away for THREE days. it's not like im gonna be away for year come on."I complained to her.

"Oi! Don't you say that to me Freya Xandrine! you're only 15 what do you expect. Ofcourse Im anxious and worried!" she angrily told me.

"Okay, Fine. I will. I will." I sighed in defeat but I was rolling my eyes  at the back of my mind.

There was a loud honk outside. That's my cue to leave.

"wish me luck mom! iloveyou!" then I grabbed my bag pack, a small gym bag and a clear plastic envelope with my entrance exam papers then kissed my mom. "I know you'll passed it. Im claiming it now" she said as she kissed me back.

My mom and I often argue but I know she loves me so much. Deya reminded me not to forget her souvenirs. I nodded and ran towards the gate. We are going to travel via van. My friends are already seated when I opened the van. I squezzed myself in the middle of Des and Glenn and we all giggled.

I fell asleep the whole 4 hours of travel. I was so exhausted with the dance practice yesterday. We finally finished the whole choreography for the song chosen by one of the judges.

I am the smallest in the group so I do all the flying and majority of the dance I being thrown up in the air or dragged on the floor. Ive got bruises on my armas and legs now. My back and my legs are so sore.

Then when I get home I still have to review for this entrance exam. I haven't even had the chance to meet my voice coach thfor the past 2 weeks. He's gonna kill me! Im so exhausted! So far Senior life is draining whatever energy I have left in me. I can't wait to graduate!!

" Girls room upstairs, Boys room downstairs." Ms Martinez instructed to all 10 of us.

"Thanks be to God there are no lovers in this group unlike last years'. But, that doesn't mean you guys can stay in the same room. That's a big No No. I wanna keep my job so please behave yourselves! Now go and make yourselves comfy. We're going out for lunch in an hour!" she added.

As soon as the girls and I found our room, we all excitedly dive and jump up and down into our beds like we were kids giggling at each other!

"This is exciting! it's like girls' sleepover!!" des exclaimed. "True!!" the rest of the girls and I said in unison.

As we all laid down in our beds and agreed to have some rest before we go for lunch in the city centre. I realized I miss someone. I pushed him back at the farthest part of my brain.  Good thing it's only the Top 10 that's here.

He happens to be Top 11. It's like the universe is giving me a sign. I knew he was keen to come to this trip though. I actually find it unfair that only the top 10 can come. But I said to myself its for the best. At least I don't have to avoid him. No awkwardness. I'll just enjoy this trip with my girlfriends and my classmates.

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